
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



17 Ramadhan 1446H (18 March 2025)

Friday, April 5, 2019

Umno-PAS Needs To Fight Fire With Fire

The future of Umno and PAS is in the hands of the Malays and the Bumiputeras from Sabah and Sarawak. So, focus on this group of voters. DAP is going to accuse Umno and PAS of being racists. Let them say what they like. DAP is never going to say nice things about Umno and PAS anyway. As long as DAP is defeated it does not matter what they say.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
DAP proudly claims that 95-98% of the Chinese and 70-75% of the Indians support Pakatan Harapan. On the other hand, only 70-75% of the Malays support Umno and PAS (around 50:50 for each party). And that was why Pakatan Harapan won the previous general election in May 2018.
If Umno and PAS (or Barisan Nasional) want to win the next general election around 2023 or so, they will need to increase their Malay votes to 80-85%, especially in the Malay heartland, plus they need to do a deal with the Bumiputera parties from Sabah and Sarawak.

Chinese means DAP but disguised as Bersih

In short, Malaysian politics is race-based, has been for the last three general elections, and is going to be so for many more years to come. In short, also, you cannot talk about politics or talk about winning general elections without talking about race.
This is the reality of Malaysian politics and anyone who says otherwise is either dishonest or is a political novice. DAP has been talking the language of race for two generations since 1965. And the medium for this message are the Chinese schools and the Chinese education system. That is why DAP will defend Chinese schools and the Chinese education system to the death.

Lee Kuan Yew knew he had to eliminate Chinese schools and the Chinese education system to bring stability to Singapore

Lee Kuan Yew knew the dangers of Chinese schools and the Chinese education system long before Singapore ceased to be a British colony. And that was why before Singapore gained independence in 1963 (by becoming part of Malaysia) Kuan Yew made sure that he eliminated Chinese schools and the Chinese education system. He even detained without trial under the Internal Security Act (ISA) the Chinese educationists and activists.

Kuan Yew knew that the Chinese schools and the Chinese education system were how the anti-government doctrine was spread. In the old days it was the Communist doctrine. Today it is the anti-Malay and anti-Islam doctrine. And that is why Umno and PAS are the prime targets of DAP.

Chinese schools were the breeding ground for unrest in Singapore

Umno and PAS must not be cowed into downplaying the race and religion card. The Chinese are never going to support Umno and PAS never mind what they do. So Umno and PAS need not waste any time trying to please the 95-98% Chinese who support DAP.
The future of Umno and PAS is in the hands of the Malays and the Bumiputeras from Sabah and Sarawak. So, focus on this group of voters. DAP is going to accuse Umno and PAS of being racists. Let them say what they like. DAP is never going to say nice things about Umno and PAS anyway. As long as DAP is defeated it does not matter what they say.
The trouble is Umno and PAS want to be seen to be doing the right thing. They do not like to hear negative comments. If you fear negative comments then get out of politics. Politics is about power. And to gain power you must win elections. So, win elections by hook or by crook and fight fire with fire. And that means play the race and religion card to the hilt.

The anti-Islam movement disguised as an anti-Hudud movement

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