
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, March 26, 2020

Pos Laju temporarily suspends shipment of motorcycles

Depite the message deliverymen are holding up, Pos Laju said it was temporarily suspending shipment of all motorcycles due to the MCO. However, the advice to stay at home is still sound. - AZHAR MAHFOF/The Star
KUALA LUMPUR: Pos Laju will suspend the shipment of motorcycles throughout Peninsular and East Malaysia with immediate effect.
In a post on its official Facebook page, it stated that the suspension was in accordance with the movement control order (MCO) as the service was deemed non-essential at this time.
"We seek your kind understanding and look forward to your continuous support.
"For inquiries, reach out to us via AskPos at pos.com.my or tweet us at Twitter @pos4you," the statement added on Thursday (March 26).

Motorcycle deliveries by Pos Malaysia staff is unaffected. What is affected is shipment of motorcycles to our customers will be suspended until further notice
All deliveries done by Pos Malaysia will not be affected.
- Star

1 comment:

  1. Dear En. Kamal,
    Assalam and good afternoon to you. I am Nazatul Ekma, from Pos Malaysia Bhd corp comms team. I'd like to point out that the suspension is not related to delivery services on motorcycles or in other words, that we are pulling out our postmen / delivery personnel from service. Actually, it is actually the service suspension of "shipping of motorcycles" throughout Peninsular Malaysia & East Malaysia. The Star based the article on a notice Pos Malaysia posted on social media, which was not worded properly and caused a misunderstanding. We have since corrected the posting with an updated notice, which is available here: https://www.facebook.com/325158724258146/posts/2797601113680549/

    I appreciate your kind help to revise your post to include the correct information. Your effort in providing the latest info to our fellow Malaysians is respectable, and thank you for including updates relating to Pos Malaysia. You may contact me at naz.ekma@pos.com.my should you require further clarification. Thank you and have a nice day. Stay safe.


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