
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, January 10, 2022

Corruption Allegations : After MACC it is the turn of the Securities Commission. A Suggested Solution From The Quran - Kill Your Self

  • Top SC officials, politicians implicated in RM28.2m graft report
  • MACC report lodged on corruption by Securities Commission (SC), board
  •  Utusan Malaysia: report lodged by NGO, strong evidence of offences
  • involved politicians holding important govt positions
NGO rep quoted saying three cases referred
1 involving RM28.2m, SC board member had interest in company with ties to SC
2nd  case involving child of SC’s top management 
given highest position in company under probe, probe later closed by SC
3rd case high-ranking SC officials received bribes to close insider trading case

My comments :

This is never ending.  Where does the corruption stop?

I think when it comes to anything related to the government and its related arms and legs it is safer to assume they are guilty first and then to be proved innocent later.

Because the corruption is becoming non stop. Everyone seems to be corrupted in one way or another. The entire community is corrupted. 

Grandpa, grandma, ayah, ibu, uncles, aunties, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, cousins everyone.  Maybe we should have a new classification under Bangsa or Race : Perasuah.   Apa bangsa awak? Saya bangsa "Rasuah". 

When a malady infects or afflicts an entire community or society there is a solution suggested in the Quran. Here is Surah 2:54 


[2:54] Recall that Moses said to his people, "O my people, you have wronged your selves by worshiping the calf. You must repent to your Creator. You shall kill your selves. This is better for you in the sight of your Creator." He did redeem you. He is the Redeemer, Most Merciful.

[2:54] Ketika Musa berkata kepada kaumnya: " Wahai kaumku! Sesungguhnya kamu telah menganiaya diri kamu sendiri dengan sebab kamu menyembah patung anak lembu itu, maka bertaubatlah kamu kepada Allah yang menjadikan kamu; iaitu bunuhlah diri kamu. Yang demikian itu lebih baik bagi kamu di sisi Allah yang menjadikan kamu, supaya Allah menerima taubat kamu itu. Sesungguhnya Dia lah Yang Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Mengasihani".

fa tuubu - so repent 
ilaa baari-kum - to your Creator
faqtulu anfusakum - kill your Selfs
zaalikum hairun lakum - that is better for you
inda baari-kum - by your Creator

This is the story of Moses talking to his own people the Israelites when they took to worshipping a calf cast from metal. The entire community was worshipping the calf - which was a complete anathema to the message that Moses was preaching, that his people the Israelites leave off such corruptions.

This was not just one person or two persons involved in worshipping the calf. This involved the entire community. The entire community had gone off the deep end.

The solution suggested by Moses was that the entire community KILL Its 'Self'.

The Arabic word 'anfusakum' means 'your Selfs'.

The Self here refers the Ego, the Pride, the make-up of the person's character, his psychological tuning. 

If one person or two persons are corrupted they have gone wrong, made a mistake, it was a bad move.  

But when a whole community goes corrupt, and cover each others backsides from their corruption, blames other people instead to deflect the blame then this is beyond just gone wrong, made a mistake or they made a bad move.

When the whole community is corrupt or tolerates corruption or helps to cover up corruption it means the whole community suffers a serious case of ego and arrogance.

Basically they are saying, 'We can do what we want. We can break any law that we wish. So what?'

Such a corrupted community has to come to its own self realisation that corruption is wrong. The community must face its weaknesses and admit that it suffers a serious disease - it is afflicted with pride and arrogance. This pride and arrogance must be killed.

fa tuubu - so repent 
ilaa baari-kum - to your Creator
faqtulu anfusakum - kill your Selfs
zaalikum hairun lakum - that is better for you
inda baari-kum - by your Creator  

Nothing else can save you.

Apa bangsa awak? Saya bangsa 'Rasuah'.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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