
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, January 7, 2022

Hadi: Cabinet doing a good job, no need for reshuffle


PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang thinks there is no need for Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob to reshuffle the cabinet for now.

According to him, the existing cabinet line-up is doing a good job.

However, the Marang MP admitted that Ismail Sabri has the right to reshuffle the cabinet if he feels there is a need to do so.

“So far, I don’t think there is a need (for a cabinet reshuffle)... It’s still doing a good job.

“Unless there is a situation that shows a need for a reshuffle for improvement. That is up to the prime minister.

“But until now I do not see (the need for a cabinet reshuffle),” he said when met by the media in Rusila, Kuala Terengganu today.

Hadi added that the prime minister would usually discuss with coalition party leaders if he felt there was a need to make a cabinet reshuffle.

Recently, the Suara TV news portal reported that Ismail Sabri will carry out a cabinet reshuffle due to the performance shown by some ministers when handling the major floods that hit the country.

The portal's report - citing sources - claimed that among the ministers involved were Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Dr Abd Latiff Ahmad, Women, Family and Community Development Minister Rina Harun, and National Unity Minister Halimah Sadique.

However, sources close to the prime minister informed Malaysiakini that the report was merely speculation.

Ismail Sabri later denied reports of a cabinet reshuffle.

Asked about the need for the government to appoint a deputy prime minister, Hadi said it was up to Ismail Sabri to decide whether it should be implemented or not.

“It's up to the prime minister because the prime minister is doing the job, not me,” he said.

Meanwhile, when asked about the government's move to put a temporary stop to permission to hold the umrah pilgrimage to Mecca, Hadi said it was a proper step and supported it.

Hadi, who is also the prime minister's special envoy to the Middle East, stressed that the ban was in line with Islamic demands which put the importance of preserving life as a priority.

“In the history of Islam, Friday prayers in Majid Nabawi have also been postponed, in Mecca because of an epidemic,” he said.

However, Hadi admitted that the ban would affect businesses and companies that manage pilgrims going to perform the umrah.

In the current situation, he said, they should understand the need to prioritise the safety of human life over profit.

“Only business people count money, in Islam the things that are necessary for human beings are religion, life, intellect, money. Money is last,” he added. - Mkini

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