
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, January 17, 2022

Taraf Warganegara : Islam Lain, Bukan Islam Lain. Lain Bangsa Pun Lain. Jangan Hipokrit Ok?


  • Lawyers for Liberty called for revamp of policies on stateless people
  • urge Home Minister not to react only to media coverage 
  • LFL welcomed case of R....a Abdullah 
  • but home minister responsible for “thousands unjustly deprived of citizenship”.
  • her’s is not an isolated case
  • thousands in similar situations, their sufferings deserve equal attention
  • not good enough to react to adverse news coverage on single issue 
  • then go back to ignoring thousands with similar problems 
  • Reactive solutions are inadequate
  • Statelessness must be addressed comprehensively 

My comments :

These kaldai are just playing politics with peoples' lives.

Sometime ago Rohingyas were welcome by the shiploads. Rohingyas were given jobs, money, places to stay etc. It was hoped that the Rohingyas would become pro-governmenty voters. Then the Rohingyas became a problem. There were 'social problems' with the Rohngyas. They ate with their hands but they did not assimilate as well. Some Rohingyas who left the country made YouTube videos insulting Malaysia and Malays in particular. 

The Arabs, Afghans and Pakistanis were also welcome by the shiploads. As long as they were Muslim. The politicians were looking forward to creating more pro-government voters. But I know of at least one immigrant Pakistani who had become a citizen who said he voted for Pas. (Bhiyya kata 'Kita sokong orang aaalim juga'). 

In contrast you had the thousands upon thousands of Indians and Chinese who have been born in Malaysia or have lived their lives here but have been denied citizenship.

Until 2008. In 2008 the BN lost its 2/3 majority in Parliament.  Rohingyas, Arabs, Pakistanis etc did not prevent the BN from losing the 2/3 majority.  So the policy changed - for a while. Thousands of warganegara applications were approved in a hurry. But it did not help. The BN finally lost the elections in 2018.  

But it is well known that if you are non Muslim or a 'bangsa lain' then it is more difficult to obtain citizenship - despite being born here, being born overseas to Malaysian parents or despite living here for ages.

But if you are a Muslim or 'bukan bangsa lain' the Prime Minister may call you personally to assure you that your citizenship woes will be looked into. I believe this is what happened yesterday.  

We absolutely cannot hold anything against a child who was born here and then abandoned by both her Muslim parents.  Her adoptive mother  should be given an award for taking care of her but, the adoptive mother is a bukan islam and a 'lain bangsa' as well.  So she will not be getting any datukship anytime soon. 

The politicians should realise that increasing the numbers of Muslim voters does not help them. There is no guarantee that Muslim voters will vote for you. In 2018 it was the Muslim vote that swung against the BN. In Melaka last year the non-Muslim vote swung towards the BN.  People do not vote for you because of THEIR religion or based on YOUR religion. They vote or do not vote for you based on your policies and your performance (or non performance by the PH in Melaka). 

Artikel ini adalah pandangan penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili MMKtT.

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