
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, March 14, 2022

No Confidence Vote Against The Prime Minister - Pakistan In Crisis Again


Of the three countries India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, the country of Bangladesh seems to be doing much better than the other two. 
Both India and Pakistan exhibit characteristics of Failed States. The situation in Pakistan is getting critical while India is not too far behind. 
One of the characteristics of Failed States is that a country's people want to get out of their own country. Because they do not see a future in their own country. 
If it is a few thousand people that may be dismissed. But when millions of people constantly try to leave India, Pakistan and Bangladesh - and never want to come back - that is a sure sign of a Failed State.
Every year about 2.5 million Indians "escape" from India to migrate overseas. The number for Pakistan and Bangladesh is about half a million each. So every year about 3.5 million people "escape" from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Never to return home or they will return in old age.
But the number of Pakistanis "escaping" from Pakistan is increasing. Many make their way to Malaysia where they are working in the restaurants and as road sweepers. This is very sad.
On the other hand a strong economy and rising GDP Per Capita will reduce the number of Bangladeshis leaving their country. The Per Capita GDP of Bangladesh has exceeded that of Pakistan and India. The total GDP of Bangladesh now exceeds the GDP of Pakistan. Jai Bangla.  
The news from miserable Pakistan says that their Prime Minister Imran Khan (who is quite the Dodo) may be kicked out in a no confidence motion soon.
Here are three reports from Dawn, Pakistan's respected English daily:  

1. https://www.dawn.com/news/1679740/writings-on-the-wall

Writing’s on the wall
Published March 13, 2022    
By Abbas Nasir.  The writer is a former editor of Dawn.

  • prime minister Khan will not be able to survive in office
  • Opposition predicts end of ruling coalition ‘within days’
  • endgame being played out; matter of days, at best couple of weeks
  • invective he let fly this week in such bad taste, desperation; 
  • trapped and lashing out, with not a care for consequences. 
  • his verbal assaults on opposition gone up dozens of notches 
  • his perch too precarious, opposition challenge serious  
  • he lashed out at military’s ‘neutrality’ in political game 
  • “Only animals are neutral,” he told supporters 
  • his fragile majority, nightmare of wavering MPs 

2.  https://www.dawn.com/news/1679747/smokers-corner-the-desperation-of-khan?preview

Nadeem F. Paracha

Published March 13, 2022 

  • PM Imran Khan preparing for possible fall from power.
  • He warned that he will vanquish opposition if he is ousted
  • promising to wipe out ‘corrupt’
  • But after four years, rhetoric returned to what it was before 
  • increasingly, his government facing accusations (of corruption) 
  • possible ouster hanging over his head
  • deluded and desperate PM Imran Khan
  • hid funds that Khan’s party received from various ‘illegal’ sources. 
  • bungled economy, people wont lament his ouster 
  • military has decided to give up on him 
  • Khan's numerous economic and foreign policy blunders 

3. https://www.dawn.com/news/1679773/pm-imran-says-those-out-to-dislodge-his-govt-would-get-buried-under-their-own-conspiracy

PM Imran says those out to dislodge his govt would get buried under their own conspiracy
Published March 13, 2022    

  • opposition's no-confidence move
  • Imran insisted Pakistan will be great country in remainder of his term (Ha ha)
  • Pakistan to manufacture its own aircraft (OSTB : like the kereta nasional psycho)
  • crimes rising, corruption, sex crimes, violence norm
  • tiny segment get good jobs while rest get low-scale jobs (like in Malaysia)
  • 'Khan's speech is confession of defeat'
  • he should quit now
  • inflation skyrocketed during Khan's tenure 
  • hardships being faced by people.
  • resign now and let Pakistan heave a sigh of relief

My comments :

Pakistan was doomed since the day it was created.  They were created with inbuilt deformities. This country will never be able to survive. Plus (like India) they have the most evil tumour of all that grips their brains - religion. They are doomed.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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