PKNS Akan Baiki Segera Persimpangan Bertingkat Yang Runtuh Akibat...
Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS) hari ini menyatakan persimpangan bertingkat di Taman Sains Selangor 2 yang runtuh akan dibaiki dengan kadar segera.
Menurut Pengurus Besar PKNS, Othman Omar kerja-kerja pembersihan dijangka akan mengambil masa selama tiga minggu untuk disiapkan, manakala kerja baik pulih dijangka dalam masa lapan bulan.
“PKNS telah menubuhkan jawatankuasa siasatan teknikal bagi mengenalpasti punca kejadian ini,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan media yang dikeluarkan PKNS.
Dalam kenyataan media itu turut menyatakan PKNS dan Plus Bhd (Plus) berjaya mencapai persetujuan untuk melantik perunding bebas bagi mengenalpasti kerosakan yang telah berlaku di persimpangan bertingkat tersebut dengan kos ditanggung bersama.
Sebelum itu, persimpangan bertingkat berdekatan Kilometer 2.4 Lingkaran Putrajaya menghala ke Lebuhraya Elite runtuh kira-kira jam 12.30 hari semalam.-selangorku
5 rakyat Pakistan akui dapat 'kerakyatan ekspres'
Lima rakyat Pakistan dilaporkan mengakui mereka mendapat kerakyatan Malaysia dari ejen di Sabah semasa lawatan pertama mereka ke Malaysia, dan sebahagian daripada mereka telah lima kali mengundi dalam pilihan raya.
Kes terbaru 'kerakyatan ekspres' dilaporkan di muka depan akhbar Sinar Harianhari ini selepas pemberita mengunjungi salah seorang daripada rakyat Pakistan itu di rumahnya di DUN Hutan Melintang di Perak.
Mereka telah dikesan oleh Cabang PKR Bagan Datoh semasa memeriksa daftar pemilih.
Empat rakyat Pakistan telah disenaraikan sebagai pengundi dalam daftar pemilih dan kesemua mereka tinggal di rumah yang sama.
Pengarah pilihan raya PKR cabang Hutan Melintang, Ganeson A dilaporkan berkata ketika memeriksa senarai pengundi, mereka mengesyaki lima nama disenaraikan kerana mereka tinggal di rumah yang sama dan berketurunan Pakistan.
Katanya, apabila pihak parti itu pergi ke rumah tempat tinggal lima lelaki tersebut di Taman Hutan Melintang, kesemua mereka didapati mempunyai MyKad baru, kecuali seorang yang memegang kad pengenalan lama (IC).
Lima lelaki berusia antara 30 dan 40 tahun, tambahnya, mendakwa mereka mendapat IC mereka apabila memasuki Malaysia untuk kali pertama.-malaysiakini
Five Pakistanis admit getting 'express citizenship' in Sabah
Five Pakistanis have confessed that they obtained Malaysian citizenship from agents in Sabah during their first visit to Malaysia, and some of them have voted five times in the elections.
The latest case of ‘express citizenship’ was front-paged by Malay daily Sinar Harian today after its reporters visited one of the Pakistanis at his house in the Hutan Melintang state constituency in Perak.
They were detected by the Bagan Datoh PKR division during the process of examining the electoral roll.
It was found that four of the Pakistanis have been listed as voter in the electoral roll and all of them stay in the same house.
“When we were examining the voter list, we suspected the five names listed because they stay in the same house and are of Pakistani ethnicity,” Hutan Melintang PKR election director A Ganeson told the daily.
The party then visited the five at their house located in Taman Hutan Melintang and discovered that all of them have new MyKad, except one who holds the old identity card (IC).
"Five men aged between 30 and 40 claimed they obtained their ICs when they entered Malaysia for the first time.
All obtained ICs in Sabah
"They claimed that all of them obtained the ICs in Sabah through agents before moving to the peninsula," Ganeson said.
They also told him that some of them had voted in the elections as many as five times.
To verify Ganeson’s allegation, Sinar Harianwent to the house together with PKR workers and met two of the five Pakistanis, while the others were not around.
After being told that the visitors were to conduct an election examination, the two cooperated and showed their ICs.
One of the two, Ali Hamsir, 54, also asked to have his old IC changed to a MyKad.
Asked how they obtained their ICs, Ali confirmed that all of them were brought to Sabah when they first entered the country, before they started working in the peninsula.
"I am married. My family is in Pakistan and every year I go back to visit them. To go there we need to apply for (Malaysian) passports because we are now Malaysians," he said.
PKR’s assemblyperson for Hutan Melintang, S Kesavan, told the daily that he is mulling over lodging a police report over the issue after the party finishes examining the electoral roll.
'EC has nothing to do with issuance of MyKad'
On the other hand, the Election Commission deputy chairperson Wan Ahmad Wan Omar clarified that his commission has nothing to do with the issuance of suspicious MyKad.
According to him, any voter whose name is in the electoral roll and has been verified by the EC as a voter has the right to vote.
"When the individual shows his or her MyKad and we check that his name exists (in the electoral roll), then he has the absolute right to vote.
"The story before that (on the issuance of MyKad) is not an issue," he was quoted as saying.
Wan Ahmad also called on the public, especially political parties, not to "sensationalise such stories".
National Registration Department director-general Jariah Mohd Said declined to comment, saying that she needs to study the allegation first before making any statement.-malaysiakini
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