
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, March 28, 2013

The signs of defeat are everywhere for Umno, but ...

The signs of defeat are everywhere for Umno, but ...
UMNO is now at its lowest ebb - ever. While its inner core is decaying and rotting because none of its leaders are doing anything to heal its wounds, party president Najib Razak is only concerned about putting on make-up on his thick skin. He seems to place above all else, presenting a grandiose façade to the people and the entire world.
Many people in this country simply cannot understand how he can face them when he and his wife have been accused of so many wrong doings. He really must have a very thick skin indeed. Well, UMNO is Najib and Najib is UMNO because there is no other mascot that UMNO can use now.
So from prime minister, which is the traditional post given to the UMNO president, Najib is now a mascot. A glorified symbol with little power that moves and grooves only at the beckoning of former leader Mahathir Mohamad. And it is all his own fault. He messed real good. Sad to say, the ones who have to suffer are the people, especially the ordinary and poor folk in the 'kampungs' (villages).
Najib's failure to dissolve Parliament, forcing the Negri Sembilan state assembly into automatic dissolution has brough great shame to the mighty UMNO. Yes, of course Mahathir insists no harm has been done. But at this stage, Mahathir has no choice but to praise Najib to the skies or defeat will not only come but be severe beyond imagination - like the Great Depression or the Plague.
Headless chickens on life support
UMNO is actually on life-support now. It is more like a zombie than anything else now. What's running on auto-pilot are the facades in the form of daily propaganda on every conceivable medium, the lackadaisical government machinery. Any enthusiasm is found only where there is opportunity for corruption, lies and ill-gotten wealth.
Many of its members and supporters are not even aware that they are behaving in ways certain to court disaster and rejection. For example, political gangsterism manners, racism and scandal-mongering. Even their prized cyber troopers are now left without substance. PERKASA and JATI are now liabilities, not assets. UMNO supporters are like headless chickens running everywhere.
People may be wondering why the same situations keep repeating themselves, more so now when the GE-13 in so near. The main reason is of course Najib's weak leadership and his own misguided morals. A good example is how his cousin Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein, instead of condemning political violence, actually gave the tacit green light for UMNO youths at a recent gathering to kill Opposition politician Tian Chua.
Such irrationality are sure signs of imminent defeat.
Out of options and they know: Hence, the last grab & capital flight
UMNO is practically out of options and perhaps Najib has long given up. He seems to be only going through the motion, trying to give as much time to other UMNO elite to cart away as much wealth overseas as possible.
The only hope for the UMNO elite is to cheat and hope for some miracle to happen that will swing the voters away from the Pakatan Rakyat. Or pray for something destructive to internally happen to Pakatan members. But they may be hallucinating because PR is gaining more support by the day while the people are getting fed up with Najib for delaying the GE-13.
UMNO has failed in its various attempts to destroy PR. They thought that by destroying Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, PR will collapse but Hadi Awang and Lim Kit Siang have announced that even if Anwar was jailed, PR would have an alternative leader. The sodomy cases against Anwar have all been proven to be false. Even Saiful’s father confirmed that Sodomy II did not occur.
UMNO even tried to destroy the credibility of Azmin Ali, the second man, by publishing a photo of someone who looked like him in a compromising situation. Of course, being UMNO it was a sexual position but the ruse did not succeed. They then tried to portray Azmin as being an ungrateful son. His sister Umi Hafilda was also roped in to help destroy her own brother, but she has long ago lost her credibility.
All the things Umno tried to do to the PR but failed
UMNO tried to undermine the Selangor government using the water issue, the alleged ‘mismanagement ‘of UNISEL and Talam Corporation land deal. But all 3 issues lost steam if not outright backfired at UMNO. The ruling party has also tried to portray Kelantan as a very backward state but this tactic has gone stale.
While Najib managed to take control of Perak via a 'coup' in 2009, UMNO cannot rest assured that it will win Perak in the 13th general election. Penang too was ‘attacked’ by UMNO. It tried to use the low-cost housing problems as well as the Kampung Buah Pala issues against the DAP state government but couldn't make headway.
UMNO also tried to pull PAS away from Pakatan Rakyat through 'Trojan Horses' such as Nasharuddin Mat Isa and Hassan Ali but both men failed. It is interesting to see if either men can ever win a seat again, both have suffered tremendous blows to their credibility.
UMNO used Islam and the word “Allah” to make PAS quarrel with DAP but this failed too. UMNO tried to weaken DAP by taking advantage of Tunku Aziz's resignation to cast doubt on DAP but the issue has turned cold.
UMNO will soon use the Registrar of Societies to de-register or suspend DAP. While some PAS leaders say they have no problems with letting DAP contest under their banner, ulama chief Haron Din has been less welcoming.
Cheat and win, or you'll be dropped
UMNO again tried to destroy Anwar by blaming him for all the debacles suffered by the country but to no effect. The people do not care even if everything is blamed on Anwar because they have had enough of UMNO. This is the sad fact.
When all of these failed to bear fruit, Najib used his cash incentive program BR1M to buy votes. But sadly for him, his timing was wrong and the feel-good effect he wanted to create just did not last.
The situation now is actually the opposite to the day when Najib took office in April 2009. Then Pakatan was seen as an embryonic upstart. Now UMNO is weakening by the day while PR is getting stronger, rejuvenated by the tremendous support from the people.
Some of you readers may have noticed that in this article, it is UMNO that is being compared with Pakatan Rakyat. BN has fallen off the radar. There is practically no more BN left. Therefore it is really a fight between UMNO and PR.
With the odds against UMNO and Mahathir's recent repeated warnings to Najib he would be demoted if BN lost further ground in GE13, it is clear Najib will have to do all he can to cheat. His skin is on the line!
Many UMNO observers read Mahathir's very public warnings to Najib as a signal in the vein of, 'Hey Najib, you had better get tough and cheat your way out of GE13 or you will be the first to be DROPPED. Got it!
That's why PKR senior leader Tan Kee Kwong may be right in being cautious and warning that the PR's success rate in every seat across the nation was only 50%. This is indeed testament to the amount of electoral fraud and cheating Malaysians will soon get a taste of in GE13 - truly poised to be the MOTHER OF ALL BATTLES!
Malaysia Chronicle

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