
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, August 1, 2013

CM shocked at declining perception of Penang gov't

A study by the Penang Integrity Institute for 2012 found that the perception of corruption, misappropriation and abuse of power in the civil service and state administration has declined 0.14 points last year.

The composite index for the perception last year was 7.18 in 2011 compared to 7.04 last year.

NONEThe revelation was made by Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng today in his speech to several hundred civil servants in Komtar.

"This is shocking, as we practise C.A.T. (competency, accountability and transparency).

Lim said when he asked further about the survey, he found that state agencies under the federal government were also included in the rankings and were assessed together, and hence affected the overall results.

"This shows that the problem of corruption, misappropriation and abuse of power in state government departments and agencies is still at a worrying level, and although they are federal-related, it does undermine us as well," he said disappointedly, adding it was rather unsatisfactory that this should happen.

"From the index analysis, we can see clearly that acts of corruption, misappropriation and abuse of power still exist in our civil service," he added.

"This has in a way influenced and undermined the general perception of the respondents interviewed on the image of the public service and the performance of civil servants in the state as a whole.".

Unsmiling civil service

The analysis by the Penang Integrity Institute for 2012 covers five sub-indices: core values, quality of service, perception on corruption, misappropriation and abuse of power, organisational perception and perception on work ethics.

mppp enforcement officers penang 290307Lim also found it "shocking" that his public officers had according to the survey, failed to smile more, look cheerful or speak kindly to the public.

"Perhaps we have to conduct training for this," he said.

This is the most basic service, Lim said, and failing to do it "handicaps the entire state government and undermines the state's reputation".

He urged the front-liners to improve in this area as they are at the forefront to promote the state government's image.

Lim said he wants such studies to be extended to the local councils as well, "not to find fault with anyone but to improve our services".

Despite the bleak outlook on the corruption and power abuse front, Lim said he was "proud" of the state's financial performance.

In 2011, four state departments/agencies obtained four stars (very good) compared to three stars in 2010.

CM happy with financial ratings

For the last year, seven departments and agencies have achieved four stars.

These include four departments - the state secretariat, state financial department, Penang Development Corporation and the state Islamic Council - that are evaluated annually for their accountability index.

The three other departments that are evaluated on a biannual basis are the Land and Mines Department, Southwest District Office and the State Public Library.

Lim said to show its appreciation to these agencies and to motivate the staff, the state is awarding them RM15,000 cash.

"To show our appreciation for all civil servants, the state government has decided to increase the Raya bonus/contribution from RM500 to RM600 or a half-month's pay," he announced to audience applause.

"This involves 3,841 staff and an expenditure if RM3,738,908.81," he added.

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