
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, August 1, 2013

How easily we misjudge the dog trainer

YOURSAY ‘Some people have mistaken Maznah for a man, some have mistaken her for a Chinese, and some mistake her for a bad Muslim simply because she loves and cares for dogs.'

I did not insult Islam, says dog trainer

your sayDone: "I love my religion. I think these people should learn about their religion first, and not misinterpret my video, which was made three years ago," said dog trainer Maznah Mohd Yusof.

This statement said it all.

Hold Awam Accountable: How easily we misjudge others. Some people have mistaken Maznah for a man, some have mistaken her for a Chinese, and some mistake her for a bad Muslim simply because she loves and cares for dogs.

I only see a compassionate human being who is unafraid to hide her love for dogs. If anybody should be upset by the video, it should be Malaysian parents who somehow cannot get their children to be as well-behaved as Maznah's beloved canines.

MockingYou: Oh my, a she instead of a he! My humble apologies as I posted some comments about "the enlightened guy" in another news thread.

Francis_14a3: This is the most beautiful video I have ever watched. Obviously it is better to have dogs as your best friends than humans who have no brains, or who no longer understand what is right or what is wrong.

Dont Just Talk: Maznah should continue caring for the dogs, a passion that she developed from young. Our religion taught us to care and love for all living creatures, which are God's creation.

What is the difference between dogs and cats when both are animals? It is not what you eat that makes a person dirty, but what comes out from his heart, mind and mouth.

Please carry on with what you love to do, Puan Maznah and let those hypocrites do and say what they want for you don't owe them a living.

Franklyspeaking: Who are we to judge Maznah? It is between her and God. And why worry about a speck in your friend's eye when you have a log in your own? Let's not have an ‘holier than thou' attitude. Each of us has enough demons to battle in our lives.

Anon1098: Don't worry Maznah, you are not alone. Dogs are not called man's best friend without good reasons. They are affectionate, loyal, only want to love and be loved and are very trainable and useful to humanity.

I'm happy to know that another Muslim also realises this in this increasingly Talibanised country. May you and your canine companions always be protected.

Endofworld: What is wrong with this country? Almost every day you hear about racial and religious conflict. Why are we getting overly sensitive?

Victor Johan: Maznah, why did you use dogs, your video production showing you washing their feet and the background prayers from a mosque?

Why not use cats to show your love for animals, also creations of the Almighty? You have foul intentions to create unrest, don't you?

Tempua: This can, that cannot. God created everything. If it is God's creature then who are we to judge?

Anonymous #84319416: What has the deputy prime minister got to say now (after falsely blaming non-Muslim ‘callousness towards Islam')? Please check your facts before you speak.

In fact, politicians are the one who can bring peace to the world, but they are the ones who cause all the pain.

Akuna Matata: One day I asked my Malay neighbour if he has fitted a house alarm. To my surprise, he pointed at my dog and said, "Tak payah lah, Bruno ada."

My opposite Malay neighbour plays with my dog and she washes her hands before resuming her chores. So I don't know what's the issue here.

WPg: I remember when I was a child, I had a few Malay families as neighbours. One family, a trishaw paddler used to bring his pet dog on his trishaw for rides when not ferrying passengers. Has the rules of the religion changed over time or has the people changed?

Awakened: Last month, my family and I visited Turkey, which is predominantly Muslim. It is a country full of history with beautiful mosques built during the Ottomon Empire which lasted 600 years.

I saw many dogs near the tourist areas. I asked the tour guide whether they can keep dogs as pets. The answer is yes. If Maznah is staying in Turkey, the Turks would not say she has insulted Islam, let alone arrest her.

Tehachapi: A new religion is now in the making in our marvellous country. It is called political piety.

Truth1: Can we stop all this stupidity, please? Why are we letting these morons dictate our lives?
After all, it's the likes of Utusan Malaysia and Umno that insult Islam, not this humane woman who evidently loves God's creatures.
Mr Bean: Surely any religious 'dogma' (no pun intended) would need to be tested against humanity's fundamental, universal sense of compassion and righteousness for all.

We ask ourselves, is this kindness? Is this just for all parties? And let our conscience be our guide for what's right and wrong.

Surely God would not create a conscience, an independent mind that can think and a heart that feels, if He intended that we don't use any but to follow dogma (again interpreted by so-called ‘qualified' human) blindly.

One might argue that such 'qualified' religious persons may be more 'qualified', but surely they too are not infallible and can never be wrong.

My4Hope: Watch the video and I believe we could easily feel Maznah's love, care and compassion for God's creations? What's the problem with that?

I am getting enlightened that animals are more enlightened than some human species.

Q Muar: With due respect to majority of Muslims out there, I have this general statement to make: Don't the authorities and those narrow-minded people have better things to do? Have our society become so paranoid and 'ultra-sensitive' as to indulge in petty issues of trivial significance?

Just what kind of a 'progressive' society are we living in this country? It is baffling that such insignificant issue crops up so easily.

Not surprising that someday Muslims are barred from 'handshake' especially to a non-Muslim - followed by issuance of separate currencies as some of those hail from non-halal places, e.g. pork-sellers, Genting Highlands, etc.

What a far cry from those happy, 'golden' days when everyone moved around amongst the different races without a stigma. What can we think of next? Even the DPM is such a prude.

Hang Babeuf: "Woof! Woof!" [in canine approval.] - Malaysiakini

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