
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, August 26, 2013

A mandore's job is to flatter its masters

YOURSAY 'Waythamoorthy, your Umno boss does not want you to say anything against his actions, even if they are clearly wrong. You chose to be their mandore and ...'
Quit cabinet and go back to NGO, Waytha told

your sayRupert Jason: Home Minister Zahid Hamidi's call for Deputy Minister P Waythamoorthy to quit for criticising the government is actually a slap in the face to all the NGOs by the home minister, that the NGOs' opinions do not matter to the government.

Waythamoorthy was brought in exactly for the opposite purpose that is depicted by the home minister. All the NGOs need to rally behind Waythamoorthy as finally there is someone within the government ranks who is willing to break ranks to uphold the truth.

Rahman Putih: As a moderate Malay, I agree with Rupert that all the NGOs should rally behind Waythamoorthy. Lives have been lost without proper justification and Zahid Hamidi has just degraded the standing of a NGO by his statement.

Ketuanan Rakyat: Waythamoorthy, your Umnoputra boss does not want you to say anything against their actions, even if it is very clear that they are wrong. You chose to be their mandore and should only say good things about them, even if they screw you from behind.

You are paid for just that. If not, just quit your useless post. You have betrayed your own blood brother P Uthayakumar and millions of Indians for this position. Now you are facing the fact and paying for your unforgivable sins.

Angry Citizen: So does Wathyamoorthy's statement that he is going to sit down with Zahid and some NGOs to discuss the reasons behind why Indian youths are involved in crime means that he is not asking for our police standard operating procedures (SOP) to be overhauled, and this is his last statement on that massacre in Penang?

It looks like he is backing out and now will start doing what the MIC fellas have been doing all along.

Fair Play: Waythamoorthy, do you honestly believe you can fight for your community from within? In no uncertain terms, Zahid has told you to go fly a kite. Would you dare to tell him what he told you?

Retnam: You must have seen Waythamoorthy on the day it was announced he will be a deputy minister. Wah, he was so proud, so arrogant. He was telling everyone to piss off. He behaved like he is god sent to save the world.

He was boasting how in another five years' time Pakatan will lose all the votes to BN because of what he is going to achieve.

Now, he is being treated like a cockroach. He dares not even shout back at Zahid. All that he can do is softly speak like apologising to Zahid. Don't give chance, Zahid. Whack the fellow all the way. He is a stupid fool to join your BN. Show it to him clearly that anyone who joins BN is a fool. Go, go, go Zahid.

Dood: Ah, of course. Now that Umno/BN has won the general election with the help of the treacherous Persatuan Hindraf Malaysia, they don't need them anymore. So, they can now be told to get out.

AF McLaren: We Indians are a gullible lot. Whatever the mandore tells us, we believe. Waythamoorthy must have grown up in the plantations. Waytha, if you have any dignity left, resign!

Fair Play: Well, we all know Waythamoorthy for the person that he really is. Do we think he has the peas (not marbles) to resign much less challenge Zahid?

JustAMalaysian: No government department or agency is beyond reproach. Any citizen, including laymen, opposition as well as ruling party members or cabinet ministers have a right to point out any wrongdoing by any arm of the government of the day.

So, dear Zahid, you have no right to call on Waythamoorthy to quit his ministerial post. Now, we call on you to resign due to your various failures and shortcomings since you became the home minister. Are you going to do that?

If not, let Waythamoorthy say what he wants to say, as long as what he says makes sense to the general public. To Waythamoorthy, don't give up. Fight but fight like a gentleman.

Fuminghot: I think it is the home minister who should quit. Giving ICs to foreigners and so on, and not focussing on the safety of the country.

NewMalaysia: Waythamoorthy was appointed by Prime Minister Najib Razak, so to ask him to quit is a slap on Najib's face. I hope Najib enjoys it.

YF: Waythamoorthy, everyone knows sooner or later you will get told off by Umno to sit at your sandiwara place and shut up. You are just a puppet and puppets do not tell the master Umno what to do.

So now that reality has bitten your gullible mind, I hope you finally realise this fact and do the appropriate action or continue to wallow in the filthy gains that Umno has paid you.

Disgusted: Waythamoorthy, why are you so thick skinned? Now you know what it means to sell your soul to the devils Umno. You have lost all face and dignity when they told you to toe the line or get lost.
They have got what they wanted, that is the Indians you led to vote for them, and now they don't need you anymore. Perhaps if you leave, they can create another deputy ministership for Umno, and besides they can concentrate on their No1 mandore MIC to keep them in line.

In BN they (Umno) are the masters and you and all other partners in the coalition are slaves. Be honourable - if you can't see eye to eye with them then quit. Don't be humiliated in such an overt manner that you lose your standing amongst the Indian community.

The Indian community will only spit on your face if you continue to debase the race and community.

OMG: Waythamoorthy is lucky he was only told to go back to his NGO, and not back to India. He will suffer the same fate as former Gerakan chief Koh Tsu Koon and some Chinese educationalists who were naive that they could change Umno by working with them.

Ruhaizan Muhd. Fikri: Indians should remember these words uttered by Zahid and for the next GE teach him a lesson like what they did to the former BN Selangor government. Don't worry, we'll keep the Indians well informed each time someone from BN-Umno tries to be biadap. Former Malacca CM Mohd Ali Rustam suffered a similar fate for his big mouth.

Samurai: Waytha's historic MOU with BN is a historic sham. If he was meant to make a difference by being in cabinet, he wouldn't have to spar with Zahid in public. After all, they're both in the same government, right?

Supercession: Poor Waythamoorthy. Can't even help his brother and yet he imagines himself to be able to surmount Umno to halt the extermination of the Indian community. - Malaysiakini

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