
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Gempaq gempa bumi di Baling dan Kupang dan TNB untung besaq,tarif letrik naik lagi...

Pada 18hb Julai 2013 Tenaga Nasional Berhad dengan bangga dan megah sekali telah memberitahu satu dunia betapa syarikat kuasa nasional itu telah memperolehi keuntungan sebelum cukai cukup tinggi sebanyak RM2.042 billion bagi suku ketiga berakhir pada 31hb Mei 2013 berbanding RM980.30 juta dalam suku tahun yang sama tahun lepas.

Selepas sebulan membuat pengumuman itu, maka diberitahu pula tarif elektrik bakal dinaikkan.

Dah untung berbillion ringgit setahun masih lagi nak dinaikkan tarif elektrik...Bukankah ini menunjukkan betapa bersikap cekik darah punya syarikat GLC yang dipimpin oleh kerajaan UMNO/BN.

Sepatutnya jika dah untung banyak sebegitu diturunkan tarif elektrik bagi meringan beban rakyat... Ini tak.. lagi banyak untung lagi nak tekan rakyat .

Apa-apa pun bersyukur dan berterima kasihlah dengan UMNO/BN...bak kata setengah pemimpin UMNO.. tanpa UMNOkita masih lagi duduk atas pokok dengan bercawatkan daun.-f/bk

Alasan lapuk untuk naikkan tarif elektrik


New TNB tariff rates will not burden consumers...

Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) has given an assurance that the proposed electricity tariff adjustment will not burden consumers.

TNB president and chief executive officer Datuk Seri Azman Mohd said domestic users, who consume less than 200 kWh a month, would not see any increase in their monthly bill due to the tariff adjustment.

"About half of our eight million consumers are those who consume less than 200 kWh and have a monthly bill of less than RM70. They will not see any increase in their bills and will not be burdened.

"However, if the tariff adjustment is approved, it will be reasonable. The people need not worry, it will not be a double or a triple increase ... there is a certain percentage, but it will not be that high," he told reporters at the TNB Aidilfitri event here today.

Azman said the final decision on the new tariff would be made by the government based on inputs and information given by TNB.

"Many meetings have been convened to discuss the matter.

"We are confident that the government will give its fair consideration to all quarters, including consumers and industry players," he said.

Azman said electricity tariff adjustment, should it be made in the future, was proposed due to the hike in the price of fuel, and not to increase TNB's profit.

"TNB is neutral, we have nothing to lose. The company that is suffering losses now is Petronas as it has to pay such a high price to supply liquefied natural gas (LNG) as fuel," he said.

Right now, he said, Petronas fixed the price of the gas to generate electricity at RM13.70 per MMBtu, a rate much less than the market price of RM40 per MMBtu. –Bernama

Gempa bumi di Baling dan Kupang...

Gempa bumi lemah berukuran 3.8 pada skala Ricther melanda Kupang di Kedah pada 8.26 pagi Selasa, menurut Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia.

Gempa bumi itu berpusat di 11km selatan Baling dan gegaran kesan boleh dirasai di sekitarnya, menurut kenyataan jabatan itu di sini.

Rare quake shakes Baling...

Kupang residents in Kedah got a slight jolt today morning when a small earthquake occurred at 8.26am.

Explaining yesterday’s 3.8 magnitude earthquake, a Meteorological Department spokesman said although Malaysia is not in “The Ring of Fire”, small quakes are still possible, although very rare.

The Ring of Fire is a string of active earthquakes and volcanic eruptions around the Pacific Ocean, which goes past Indonesia and the Philippines in Southeast Asia.

“According to the seismotectonic map, Kupang is close to a fault line. It is possible that the two sides of the fault line rubbed against each other, causing the quake,” said Jah Salmihani Mansor from the Geophysics and Tsunami Division.

“Although it is rare in Malaysia, the department diligently monitors the occurrences of such quakes.”

The epicentre was at latitude 5.6° North and longitude 100.9° East, 11km south of Baling. Tremors were felt in parts of the district.

Bernama reported that despite feeling the tremors, a teacher at SK Kampung Bandar, Siong only knew of the earthquake when the department called the school to confirm the incident 10 minutes later.-theSun daily


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