
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Johor sultan's name used to make an ugly point

‘Umno members can say anything against royalty and get away. For others, it is the sedition charge slapped against them.'

Umno rep's 'pig farm' remark shocks opposition

your sayFairnsquare: There is no decorum in the Johor state assembly. The speaker does not seem to be in control with racial slurs being flung around. 

The assembly is a disgrace to all Johoreans. Now even our most respected ruler's name is being dragged in to express such shallow 'humour.' 

The BN-Sengarrang representative must be suspended and order be brought to the assembly. This is not as joke anymore.

 The issue is using the Johor sultan's name to make an ugly point - the foul smell of pig farms. Will the Johor palace be offended with the statement by the Umno assemblyperson Aziz Ismail? 

You don't associate such "najis" (things or persons regarded as ritually unclean) with His Royal Highness. Perkasa, where are you? Please come out to protest and defend the royalty,

 This is the low-level mentality shown by BN rep Aziz. Although Islam prohibits Muslims from having pork, the pig is also God's creation and it has the right to live and Islam did not give any right for Muslims to insult or discriminate against the pig, because it will insult its creator!

Pimai2tangtu: I thought corruption has greater foul smell than pigs.

Chandran Sukumaran: Umno members can say anything against royalty and get away. For others, it is the sedition charge slapped against them.

 One of the members of the Johor royalty should make a police report to charge both Mohd Aziz (the speaker) and Aziz Ismail (the assemblyperson) for sedition for embarrassing the sultan.

The police should also extend a copy of the report to Jati president Hasan Ali, the defender who always barks in protection of the royalty, Islam and the Malays in this country.

 A nation that talks about God everyday, but God is furthest away; a nation that talks about religions everyday, but without a compassionate heart; a nation that looks not at the mercy and grace of God but at religiosity; a nation that thinks God's sovereignty needs the protection of defiled humans; a nation overflown with religious practices and places of worship, but completely devoid of spirituality; a holier than thou nation, a nincompoop nation.

 Well, this is the Malaysia of today. We are going backwards, being more racialist, also religiously divisive. Worst is that it seems to be encouraged by the government of today.

Police insist they had followed SOP in shooting incident

Holden: There are too many questions about this operation. PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) need effective measures to address security, but taking short cuts to improve crime detection statistics and hoodwinking the public should not be the way. 

Let's have some facts about these men who were killed. What evidence was it based on?

Psycho: Firstly, we do not know if they were responsible for the shootings taking place in town. Secondly, by not apprehending the suspects alive, the police will be unable to investigate the source of the guns and their entire network. 

As long as the guns are easily available, crime will continue. This is irrespective of BN/Pakatan Rakyat rule or the Indians voting for BN/Pakatan Rakyat.

James1067: To eradicate crime and criminals we have to use manpower, intelligence, and always be one step ahead of them. 

Billions of ringgit and hundreds of years of experience should have put us in that position. Not brute power and firepower. Otherwise, there won't be any difference between the both of you.

Fairnsquare: If the 'thugs' fired the first shot, the police have done what they should have done.

No person who fires at a police officers is an innocent person and demanded to be treated as one. Only hardcore criminals will be armed and will dare to shoot at the police. 

Thus we should not blame the police and expect them to smoke them out with tear gas. Tear gas is normally used when a person refuses to surrender. Never has it been a practice to use tear gas when being shot at.

However, if the suspects did not fire the first shot the police action could be deemed overboard. Dangerous criminals cannot expect sympathy from the police, who are acting in the interest of all citizens.

Rubystar_4037: Good job, PDRM. These hardcore criminals with guns are a menace to the society at large and should be taken out, since this is a life-and-death situation for the PDRM. The officers who went on this raid risked their lives so that society is a safer place for all. 

This is not a standard banking peaceful transaction where SOP has to follow, this is a fluid and critical situation where PDRM has to think and react instinctively for preserving their own safety and they are in clear and present danger when confronted with criminals with guns and ammunition. I would say again, syabas PDRM and a job well done.

Anonymous #88188:
 Those who agree with such a complete death-ending operation should answer these first before coming to such a conclusion:

1) Are friends of criminals criminal as well? 

2) Are you very sure none of your friends is a criminal?

3) Would all criminals fight until death?

4) Is such ending a full win for the police and the people? 

5) How would other criminals think and would do next?

 Just witness their funeral today and you will be convinced that they are top-ranking gangsters in Penang. Congratulations to PDRM for putting them to eternal sleep and making this country safe to us. 

Politicians should not try to be heros for their families as crime does not pay, only quick death to be accorded a gangsters' funeral.

KSD: Having seen our great Malaysian police officers in action on many occasions, I can say that these incidents happen not because the police are acting as judge, jury and executioner but rather because they do not want to risk their hides any more than necessary. 

Why try to capture these people if one or two police officers might end up dead in the process? It is far better to go in with guns blazing. Too bad if they sometimes end up killing the wrong people - that's collateral damage as far as they are concerned.

Truth Really Hurts: Yes, the police followed SOP (standard operating procedure). The SOP says shoot first, then look for incriminating evidence. If cannot find, then plant.  - Malaysiakini

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