
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, August 12, 2013

Nurul Izzah Ketua Wanita UMNO 2016?

I received some interesting smses a few days back - before Raya. Plenty of things are going on in the background. Anwar Ibrahim has not been quiet for no reason. When he is quiet, it means he is up to something. 

Here are the smses :

1. Is Nurul Izzah being groomed as a future Wanita UMNO leader ? Badawi and KJ with Kalimullah are  putting the plan in operation, three years away, a coup for UMNO before the next election. Anwar won't object as he then has fingers in all parties ie Government and the Opposition.  Very possible with Azmin heading PKR.

2.  Anwar may not become PM but in this scenario he becomes a KingMaker. Further this would give KJ the support for his ascendency in UMNO and distances the other factions. 

Situation is very possible as they believe Mahathir would not be around long. Even if he does, they are out to hammer his credibility to weaken his standing. This would draw support towards  KJ group to take on Najib or Muhyiddin.  Although 1MDB has its war chest but KNB is a monopoly of Badawi's boys. So can you see the scenario building.

3. Included in the strategy Pak Lah boys want to keep Dr Mahathir  occupied so as to remove his focus on Najib. A decoy tactic or a tactic to ensure that he has multiple fronts to fight. 

Note current mood of young Malays, Chinese and Indians (so called educated group) are not for Dr Mahathir. This is the wave they want to capitalise on as the instrument of change in their campaign as these are the people who have the energyand the vigour.  

4. It would mean that the Pak Lah boys inevitably become indispensable to Najib. A well crafted scenario. This strategy puts KJ in the forefront as Najib's key ally and. clears the way for his ascendency in UMNO. Anwar Ibrahim style of climb in UMNO.

I forwarded the sms to some people. Here are replies from two Press people.

i. Plausible. A repeat of S46 coming back to the fold.

ii. Possible bro, and we hv to make a stop!

Then I saw this interesting news clip
Nurul Izzah to launch Pak Lah’s book in Singapore
PETALING JAYA (Aug 7, 2013): Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar will launch former prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's book "Awakening, the Abdullah Badawi years in Malaysia" in Singapore later this month.

She said she has accepted an invitation to launch the book on Aug 30.

"I believe the Malaysian launch will be presided over by Abdullah himself and (former deputy prime minister) Tun Musa Hitam," she told theSun.
Well this will certainly endear the Pak Lah and KJ supporters in UMNO to Nurul Izzah. And maybe vice versa. In politics there are no permanent enemies or friends. Only permanent opportunists.

No matter what the outcome - I think we are quite doomed. There is no talent among the leadership. Lee Kuan Yew has described the Opposition most precisely - they are just riff raff who will not be able to rule the country. Believe me, even if they win, they are still riff raff. 

Let me digress - didnt I point out last year that the Penang construction industry has been taken over by the Triads and gangsters? Read today's Star : 

As I said, the gangsters have taken over the construction industry in Penang. There is something called an 'in house' contractor. Whenever a condo project is completed an 'in house' contractor turns up who handles all renovation, kitchen cabinet and other renovations. The Star says they charge 20% higher. If you dont appoint them, there will be trouble. Even if you appoint them, there is still trouble. They do shoddy work and charge high.

Now what The Star did not say is 'who appoints these gangster contractors in Penang?' How do they get to become the 'in house contractors?'

This is where the money goes back to the Papa and Son. When a project is approved, the entire package is also approved. Who shall be the main con, who shall be the cement supplier, who shall supply the labour, who shall be the 'in house contractor' etc. Semua kaw tim. That is how the moolas flow. Everyone gets a cut. 

No one is coming out with ideas and programs to move the entire nation forward, especially the bumiputras.  Believe me, if the bumiputras continue to lag behind, there will be trouble in the land. Since Dr Mahathir retired in 2003 the bumiputra agenda has been put on the back burner. 

Everyone - on both sides of the field - is lining their pockets. Any new technology industries created in Malaysia recently? None. Did you know that Khazanah Nasional does not know what is the meaning of CAD or CAM? These are 30 year old ideas. They think CAD is short for caddy and CAM is short for camera.

My view is 2018 will see the absence of folks like Nik Aziz, Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh, Hadi Awang, Anwar Ibrahim, Even in the BN side there is going to be huge vacuums. This guy may not be around :

So people are planning their future. Talent is not required. Scheming is a prerequisite. So what will you do folks? Takkan nak peluk tubuh saja?

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