
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, August 23, 2013

Of Altantuya & Malaysia's kangaroo courts: Body parts, C4 & even 2 confessions but NO KILLERS!

Of Altantuya & Malaysia's kangaroo courts: Body parts, C4 & even 2 confessions but NO KILLERS!
After all these years of high drama, anxiety and public concern what are we finally left with? There are no killers to be found!
So who killed Altantuya then? Or will it be a NFA-styled (no further action) conclusion and anyone who dares unravel further will be accused of treason?
It is amazing. It is puzzling. It is confusing. It definitely is most hurting and most worrying.
Land of the Kangaroo courts?
Malaysia's reputation now hangs in the court of public opinion as the Institution of Justice remains unable to find anyone guilty or involved in the brutal and world unprecedented slaying of a foreign national whose traces were completely wiped off from the face of this earth – literally.
With the acquittal of the two police personnel who were waiting in death row, Malaysians, Mongolians and all concerned civil society of planet earth are now left with the world’s most puzzling and unsolved brutal murder that seems to hint that nobody killed her and nobody had even a finger that led to her bombing-off with deadly C4-militrary grade explosives.
Indeed if it is not a story of 'who killed Cock Robin?' what else could it be?
If this case is not of national interest what else is?
If this case is not of paramount interest to all citizens across the span of the entire world, what else is?
If this case is not going to hurt the international reputation of our beloved nation, what else will?
If all the world’s leaders who seem to champion humanitarian justice and remain seemingly bent on upholding the Institutions of Justice in their respective countries are not perturbed and concerned with the final outcome of this mother-of-all-murders in human history and continue to remain tight-lipped while labeling the case as an internal matter for Malaysia, what else will jolt them and their conscience of duty to humanity?
If Malaysia's entire realm of law keepers and defenders of justice cannot find the needle in the haystack, who else can?
Or has this whole episode now precipitated into a seditious nature that even to publicly ask is a chargeable offence? The silence of the main stream media is already a hint that is too loud not to be conjectured upon.
Silence from the Muslim groups: Who upholds morality in Malaysia?
Where are all our religious leaders and so-called interest groups who never failed a second's pulse to scream for and in the defense of their respective faiths? Is the mystery of no killers and ruling motive as not material to the case not an insult and affront on the teachings of our respective faiths and its tenets?
Or is the brutal, grotesque, and most gruesome shooting and subsequent bombing of a lone woman, mother, daughter, sister and foreign citizen none of anyone’s concern and no big deal for the matter?
We have with lightning speed hauled the likes of Alvivi, the dog-case, the 'Allah' issue and the Buddhist meditation in surau case and have seemed to have delivered justice on earth. But we cannot find anyone guity in the case of the inhuman slaying of Altantuya and no religious group is interested either.
Today, seemingly, the concerned citizens of the world are left with that final predicament of having to turn nowhere in search of human justice. How pathetic. Even in war crimes, we have multiple options to resolve and ensure justice is in place.
And yet life goes on as ‘semua nya ok’ (everything is all right here mate), in Malaysia and the President of the world’s superpower that claims to be the big brother of a fair and just world is looking forward to gracing our shores and to shower accolades on our government and its leaders.


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