
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, August 10, 2013

Ventriloquist Puppet

PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dozed off in an event in the presence of His Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda Yang DiPertuan Agong
It is evidently clear that the soon to be launched book“Awakening, the Abdullah Ahmad Badawi years in Malaysia” of manipulated half truths and spinning away from facts are literary work of others but the former Fifth Prime Minister. The newsportal which was incorporated by his good friend and  so-called speechwriter,  then to prop his waning leadership and now to be a tool of the Opposition, admitted this.

Pak Lah to publish own memoirs next year

There will be an authorised biography of Tun Abdullah Badawi late next year. It will cover his family’s early life in Malaya till his days as a former prime minister.
The Malaysian Insider understands that the book was commissioned this year and will include interviews with not only friends and family but also those who disagreed with his style of leadership. It is also likely to be sprinkled with anecdotes from his years as the prime minister.
Abdullah has been in the news recently with the release of a book edited by James Chin and Bridget Welsh on his one term as prime minister, titled “Awakening: The Abdullah Badawi Years in Malaysia”.
One chapter in the book was devoted to an interview Abdullah gave to the co-editors and the questions touched on his prickly relationship with Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, his inability to meet the expectations of the voters who gave Barisan Nasional (BN) a huge mandate in 2004 and other areas.
The bulk of the 620-page book contained essays by Malaysian and foreign political pundits, academia and writers on their take on the Abdullah years between October 2003 and March 2009.
And many of them reflected on how Abdullah squandered a historic opportunity to reform Umno and Malaysia.
Clive Kessler, an Australia-based academic, noted that “for all his sincerity and decency, signalled in his signature call to his fellow citizens to ‘work with him’ and not ‘for him’, Abdullah Badawi’s prime ministership was not a sunny time; it was overcast and clouded with shadows.
“Church burnings, mosque desecration, temple destructions, cow’s head provocations, and the whipping of women under Syariah law for venial, not moral transgressions, would soon follow upon Abdullah Badawi’s departure.”
Former de facto law minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim said it was difficult to describe Abdullah’s leadership style.
“His desire to please makes him vulnerable to what many perceived to be his indecisiveness. He changed his mind on many occasions, which made some people poke fun at him as unreliable,” said Zaid, who was appointed a senator and brought into the Cabinet by Abdullah after BN’s poor performance in 2008.
He said that had Abdullah stayed true to his reform agenda as laid out in the 2004 election manifesto, the 2008 election would not have been a disaster.
“In fact, he would be touted as the great leader who transformed the country into a livable and viable democracy, ” he noted. – August 8, 2013.
PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has never been known for his sharpness, ability to articulate and power of logic and decision making.
Many expressed their amazement how someone who was blurry almost all the time about everything and had ‘franchised’ the decision making process and management of the nation to the notorious ‘Level Four Boys’, believed because of his sleep disorder ‘sleep apnea’ could even write a simple book.
What more a 680 pager.
This book is evidently clear to do a multi-prong attack of demonising Fourth Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad for his effort to cut-short PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah’s premiership and the same time berate Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak for carrying through a lot of Tun Dr. Mahathir’s policies.
The relationship of PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah with the Opposition is also demonstrated when PKR Vice President Nurul Izzah Anwar will launch the book in Saingapore on 30 August.

Nurul Izzah to launch Pak Lah’s book in Singapore

Posted on 7 August 2013 – 10:02pm
PETALING JAYA (Aug 7, 2013): Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar will launch former prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s book “Awakening, the Abdullah Badawi years in Malaysia” in Singapore later this month.
She said she has accepted an invitation to launch the book on Aug 30.
“I believe the Malaysian launch will be presided over by Abdullah himself and (former deputy prime minister) Tun Musa Hitam,” she told theSun.
In Abdullah’s tell-all book, which will contain more than 35 essays, he defends his tenure as prime minister and accusations that he slept on the job by revealing that he had been suffering from sleep apnea.
During that time, photos were circulated ridiculing him, and even his predecessor Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had criticised him.
There are serious suspicions that most of the book is actually written by PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah closest aide Kalimullah “Riong Kali” Hassan and jointly edited by anti-Malaysian Singapore based academician Bridget Welsh and pro-Opposition Malaysian academician James Chin.
Recently Riong Kali was seen to have had a meal with Lim Guan Eng and Tony Pua at Bangsar Shopping Centre.
Hence, it is evidently clear that PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah is now a new mouthpiece tool for the Opposition, to be part of the mechanism that the Federal Government by Barisan Nasional under Prime Minister Najib is defeated by the 14GE.
This pathetic act would just diminish any shred of respect the majority of Malaysians have for the man who should have remained as a ‘statesman’, if not just a mere retired prime minister. Then again, the amount of invitation this man gets supposedly for someone of his stature is evidently clear how much respect and relevance his has.
‘Elegant Silence’ would have been the better bet for him. -bigdogdotcom

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