
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, August 24, 2013


The satisfactory resolution of the daring, arrogant, brutal,  cold-blooded and contemptuous gangland-style execution of Altantuya (blown up with C4 plastic explosives) on Malaysian soil is not merely a matter of justice being done. This one criminal affair puts on trial the entire Executive branch of government, judiciary, three successive IGP's and police, Attorney General, Ministry of Defence, Army and Navy, Public Accounts Committee and ruthless elements within the ruling Barisan National party.

More than anything else, it is a test of our resolve as conscientious citizens to force the government that we gave legitimacy to through the ballot box to be accountable and transparent to us, and deliver justice as promised in our Constitution.

Ultimately, it is a test of our character as a nation. Can we allow murderers and their accomplices to get away scot-free because they have strong connections with the highest public office in our country? Can we allow Prime Ministers and IGP's with vested interests to obstruct and divert the true course of justice?

The fact that Altantuya's murder involved men and women very, very close to our Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, who, together with his wife have also been accused of being implicated in the murder by allegations made by at least two citizens, is like an episode from the 'Twilight Zone' TV Series of the '60's.

Frankly, after my last post on 30th July, I thought it would some time before I revisited the disturbing and premeditated gruesome murder of Altantuya. CLICK HERE to read about "An Open Invitation to PM Najib Tun Razak - Clear Your Name of Alleged Murder Implication" which also has links that will give you all the facts you need to know about Altantuya's murder.

This is a homicide in which an Invisible Hand has been busy from the very beginning to subvert justice and ensure pro-establishment figures escape from the hangman's noose, while paid fall guys perform 'national duty'. How else can we explain the switching of judges, prosecutors and defence lawyers before a single scrap of evidence was heard?

It has been clearly established in the novel 'Tiger Isle - A Government of Thieves' by E.S Shankar - CLICK HERE - that what we now in Malaysia, is a classic case of a corrupt, organized mafia-style government of thieves, unwilling and unable to reform from within. 

Ever since Mahathir laid down and perfected the foundation for the Ali Baba directly-negotiated and super-inflated government procurement contract, Malaysia has been going downhill at breakneck speed. It all began in 1998, when Mahathir and 'Diam, Diam' Daim conspired to directly award the $800 million North-South Highway contract to a company with little track record, in contravention of Treasury SOP. There were clear indications that the true owners of the company were nominees of UMNO. When challenged in court by Lim Kit Siang and DAP, the then already spineless Federal Court, headed by none other than the dubious Chief Justice Salleh Abas, ruled by a whisker (3-2 with Abas voting in favour), that breaking Treasury rules was all okay, if done by the Prime Minister and a coterie of UMNO thieves. 

Rumour hath it though, and not without some element of truth, that Mahathir (himself a se;f-confessed half-Indian) learnt it all from the infamous Samy Velu (of, if you see a snake and Samy, who should you strike first, fame) vis-a-vis the 1st Penang Bridge.

The in-built system of kickbacks to the ruling party has created an army of 24/7 day and night vampires, whose culture of slurping and burping while sucking the Rakyat's blood, has become an incurable addiction. Badawi and Najib were merely perpetuating an already tried, tested and proven system. After all, if Mahathir had condoned parasitical leechery as a cornerstone of the New Economic Policy (practised as a matter of national policy, even on their own people), who were they to question it?

So, we come to our justices who yesterday set free the Altantuya's killers, on appeal. Whatever the mumbo-jumbo legalese, there is in the police files, a signed confession from Corporal Sirul detailing graphic details of Altantuya's killing. The High Court had earlier,  incredibly ruled out this confession as inadmissable. CLICK HERE for Sirul's police statement.

Incredibly because, Altantuya was last seen leaving leaving the vicinity of Razak Baginda's house, in the company of not 1, not 2, but 3 Unit Tindakan Khas (Special Action Force) - Corporal Sirul Azahar Umar, Chief Inspector Azilah HadriAND Sirul's girlfriend or mistress, Lance Corporal Rohaniza Roslan. Incredibly too, it was deemed 

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