
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, April 15, 2016



We need to come to terms with ourself and accept the reality of the situation. Mahathir is incapable of doing this. And this is the albatross hanging around his neck. Mukhriz is finished. Accept that and move on. You cannot oust Najib and his Deputy and replace them with your son.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
(The Guardian)  – Saudi Arabia said on Thursday that $681m (£479m) transferred into Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak’s personal bank account was a “genuine donation”.
Najib faced corruption allegations after the transfer was discovered last year. Fighting for his political life, the premier was cleared in January by the Malaysian attorney general, who said the cash was a gift from the royal family in Saudi Arabia.
Asked at the summit of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation in Istanbul if he was aware of the details of the political donation, Saudi foreign minister Adel al-Jubeir said: “It is a genuine donation with nothing expected in return.
“And we are also fully aware that the attorney general of Malaysia has thoroughly investigated the matter and found no wrongdoing,” he added.
“So, as far as we are concerned, the matter is closed,” he said, without elaborating on who donated the money or why. (READ MORE HERE
First Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said he does not believe that the RM2.6 billion which Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak received was a donation. He insisted the money was stolen from 1MDB. And he also insisted that an amount of RM42 billion in total was stolen from 1MDB and has disappeared into thin air.
When it was finally proven that the RM2.6 billion was not stolen from 1MDB but was, in fact, a donation, Mahathir countered by saying that the Arabs have never been that generous and if they did donate that money then there certainly must be certain strings attached. No one would donate such a huge some of money without any conditions. “So what are these conditions?” Mahathir wanted to know.
And now that, too, has been answered. But Mahathir will never concede that he was wrong and that all his allegations have been proven untrue. He will, yet again, change his story like he has been doing so many times over more than a year. Najib is a thief and he stole 1MDB’s money. That is all Mahathir wants to hear.
Mahathir is desperate. When he launched the attacks on Najib back in December 2014, he wanted to use the 1MDB issue as that catalyst. Muhyiddin Yassin had fed Mahathir with ‘secrets’ regarding 1MDB and he thought that the ‘evidence’ was so overwhelming that there was no way Najib could escape the hangman’s noose.
But then, as Muhyiddin himself admitted, he did not really understand what was going on. This is what people call fool’s gold. Fool’s gold is something that looks valuable but in reality is worthless. And Muhyiddin presented this fool’s gold to Mahathir who gleefully accepted it as a golden bullet that is going to finish Najib off in just a few months with no way for him to escape.
But then this is why it is called fool’s gold. Only fools would regard everything that glitters as gold. And it has now been proven that Muhyiddin was a fool for trying to sell something of no value to Mahathir, and Mahathir an even bigger fool for thinking that he had a goldmine in the 1MDB issue, which proved worthless in the end.
Najib has said he is not going to surrender. He is going to fight to the end even if he has to go down fighting. But he knows he is not going to go down fighting. He knows he is going to win. In fact, he is winning already even as we speak.
But Mahathir also cannot surrender. He has crossed the Rubicon and there is no turning back. He, too, needs to fight to the end, just like Hitler did. And, just like Hitler did as well, Mahathir knows the end is already around the corner and whatever he is doing is merely to delay the inevitable.
So Mahathir is still doing his roadshow together with Lim Kit Siang and those other big-time losers such as Tony Pua and Rafizi Ramli. But they are all living in denial. No one is attending their circus act any more (SEE PICTURES BELOW). The animals are tired and the circus clowns are fatigued. In is time they close down the circus and put the animals and clowns out of their misery.
There are many ways to die. You can either die with dignity or die in disgrace. Dying with dignity is no longer an option for Mahathir. He has only disgrace ahead of him. And the biggest disgrace as far as Mahathir is concerned is that his Boboi is not going to be the next Prime Minister, or even the next Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia.
That, to Mahathir, is a fate worse than death. But then that is what politics is all about. Sometimes you make it. Many times you do not. And Mukhriz is not going to make it. Mahathir needs to accept this and move on. One must not go to one’s grave with one’s eyes open. And when you go to your grave with unfinished business it is very difficult to do so with your eyes closed.
We need to come to terms with ourself and accept the reality of the situation. Mahathir is incapable of doing this. And this is the albatross hanging around his neck. Mukhriz is finished. Accept that and move on. You cannot oust Najib and his Deputy and replace them with your son. That door has now closed. And when one door closes another one opens. And if you do not walk thorough that alternative door then it, too, would close leaving you no other doors to walk through.

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