
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Suddenly Muhyiddin knows so much regarding 1MDB when last year he said he knows very little about the matter other than what he had read in The Edge. Last year he pleaded ignorance. Muhyiddin said Najib did not tell him anything. Now, he not only knows so much, but he said he actually advised Najib on what he should and should not do but Najib refused to listen to him.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Let’s get this very clear. Muhyiddin Yassin is no Goh Chok Tong. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is no Lee Kuan Yew. And Mukhriz Mahathir is no Lee Hsien Loong. So stop having delusions of grandeur — or, as the Malays would say, perasan. Delusional people have not only lost track of reality, they are bordering on insanity.
We all know that the plan is to make Mukhriz the Deputy Prime Minister and then Prime Minister by 2020 or thereabouts. Mukhriz was supposed to have won the Umno Youth Leader’s post in 2009 and then an Umno Vice President’s post in 2013. And Mahathir had hoped that this would happen with Najib’s help.
But that did not happen. And Mahathir realises that if Najib remains the Prime Minister until 2018 or 2020, or beyond, then Mukhriz is not going to be the next Prime Minister. In short, Najib refuses to play the role of Malaysia’s Goh Chok Tong and treat Mukhriz as Malaysia’s Lee Hsien Loong.
Anyway, we have spoken about all this before, many times. The bottom line is, Mukhriz is a far cry from Singapore’s General Lee. While Lee Kuan Yew educated, raised and nurtured his children in the right manner, Mahathir brought up his children on a crutches mentality.
And that is why, unlike General Lee who broke out on his own, Mukhriz (and his siblings) needs to ride on his father’s coattails to make it in life. And even that they are found wanting.
And this is something Mahathir just can’t accept. And the fact that he needs to depend on Najib for his children’s future burns him up so much that it has become an unhealthy obsession. And this explains why Mahathir appears to be attacking Najib with a vengeance never before seen in Malaysian history.
So Mahathir needs Najib ousted. But then that is not enough. He cannot afford to just oust Najib and allow Ahmad Zahid Hamidi to take over. Zahid needs to also be ousted alongside Najib. If not Mukhriz will still not have a chance since Zahid, too, will not play the role of Malaysia’s Goh Chok Tong and treat Mukhriz as Malaysia’s Lee Hsien Loong.
The one who takes over from Najib must be prepared to become the interim Prime Minister who is warming the seat for Mukhriz, the new Deputy Prime Minister and next Prime Minister. And Muhyiddin hopes that that person will be him. And that is why he is making so much noise of late.
Suddenly Muhyiddin knows so much regarding 1MDB when last year he said he knows very little about the matter other than what he had read in The Edge. Last year he pleaded ignorance. Muhyiddin said Najib did not tell him anything. Now, he not only knows so much, but he said he actually advised Najib on what he should and should not do but Najib refused to listen to him.
So, today, Muhyiddin is a financial wizard. Muhyiddin can write a thesis on 1MDB and obtain a doctorate. Last year, Muhyiddin was absolutely ‘blur’ because Najib had kept him in the dark like a mushroom devoid of light and surviving on manure.
Does Muhyiddin take us for fools?
Muhyiddin: I was sacked for saying what PAC report says
(FMT) – Former Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin today joined others who have condemned the Public Accounts Committee’s (PAC) report on 1Malaysia Development Berhad, and said the findings in the report has confirmed what he himself has been saying all this while.
In a Facebook posting, Muhyiddin said he had on many occasions, while still part of the Cabinet, expressed his worry about 1MDB’s business model and asked Prime Minister Najib Razak to relinquish his position as chairman of the company’s advisory board.
“I have also asked the company’s board of directors to step down, and to have legal proceedings initiated against them. Only now (after the PAC report) they want to step down.
“The PAC report has just confirmed all my views and fears about 1MDB. Najib looks like he accepts the PAC report now, but dismissed me from the Cabinet for saying the same thing,” Muhyiddin lamented, adding that Najib should be taken to task for his role in 1MDB, as he had been named numerous times in the PAC report.
Muhyiddin also cited several suspicious transactions conducted by 1MDB involving billions of ringgit in missing funds, which resulted in the company being unable to generate sufficient income to repay its debts.
“1MDB needs RM3 billion annually just to service the interest on their debts. With the bulk of the company’s assets sold off, it looks like the government may have to foot the company’s debts. I’m extremely worried that 1MDB’s woes may end up costing the rakyat,” he said.
“To the Cabinet ministers and Najib himself who think the 1MDB fiasco is over, its name cleared and who want the rakyat to move on, stop the drama and quit trying to divert attention.
“The people will never forget the billions swindled from the government’s coffers.”
In his message, Muhyiddin called for 1MDB’s former CEO Shahrol Azral to be hauled up and made to reveal the truth.
Saying Najib should be held fully accountable for his role in 1MDB, the suspended deputy president of Umno added, “Never in our country’s history has a prime minister, who is also the finance minister, made decisions for a public company.
“The misappropriation (of funds) in 1MDB is clear. If Najib had any dignity, he would immediately step down as prime minister.”

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