
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, April 28, 2016

So Sarawakians exempted from paying 1MDB debts?

YOURSAY | ‘1MDB is a real issue for Sarawak - to say otherwise is either stupid or lying.’
Speaking Sense: Why is it that when anyone from Umno-BN becomes a PM, minister, deputy minister, menteri besar or chief minister, they think it is necessary for them to lie and say stupid things.
Sarawak CM Adenan Satem can't even get Umno to talk seriously about giving back Sarawak 20 percent of the oil money it takes from us and yet he dares to claim he can stop Umno from coming to Sarawak.
He knows very well the real reason Umno does not come is because it is already in Sarawak through its proxy, PBB.
The only way to stop Umno is to get rid of Umno at the federal level, and to do this, we must not let Adenan win Sarawak for Umno.
1MDB is a real issue for Sarawak - to say otherwise is either stupid or lying.
Ericomc: The 1MDB scandal has no relevance to you perhaps because you and your cronies have been compensated. What about the poor rakyat? Those who “kais pagi makan pagi” and “kais petang makan petang”.
Have you considered the implication on all tax-paying rakyat, whether in Peninsular or Sabah and Sarawak, if the government has to bail out 1MDB to the tune of RM50 billion.
As long as you condone and collude with your questionable boss, you have no moral ground to claim to be a just leader.
Debater: Adenan does not deserved to be CM if he does not even understand the constitution.
Sarawak taxes come from Sarawakians and it goes to a central pool controlled by the federal Finance Ministry.
If 1MDB needs a bailout, the state government cannot overrule the decision of the Finance Ministry. Therefore, Sarawakians should care about the issue because they will have to pay for a bailout if it comes to that.
Pahatian: Adenan, you are not relevant too. Since Sarawak is a Dayak and Christian majority state, a native Christian Dayak should be the CM and not you, Adenan.
Your irrelevant Umno boss from Malaya has hijacked the post of CM and gave it to a Muslim and it seems that they are going to perpetuate it until Sarawak becomes a Muslim majority state in not too many years from now. Your neighbour, Sabah, is a very good example.
Pity the poor Dayaks. They are too poor, naive and oblivious to what's happening in their own state and the nation because they also think like their CM – that 1MDB and GST (Goods and Services Tax) have no relevance in Sarawak.
Fairplayer: I am happy to note that Adenan can see the "irrelevance" of 1MDB and GST in the Sarawak election. That shows that Adenan is personally uncomfortable about those two issues too.
As for the influence from the "west", it is Umno’s bad influence that Adenan should fear more - unbridled corruption, racism, ‘ketuanan’ policies, cheating, hypocrisy - and his BN MPs have all been corrupted and contaminated by Umno's unbridled control of helping themselves to the nation's coffers, and worse, the Sarawak BN MPs being subservient to Umno leaders.
Adenan, fear Najib and Umno more than the opposition leaders.
Mojo Jojo: Au contraire. Supporting you means strengthening the Sarawak chapter of BN.
Enhancing Sarawak BN is to allow it to control most parliamentary seats in the state, which solidifies BN's position at the parliamentary and national level.
Boosting BN's foothold at the national level maintains the status quo, which means no one will be allowed to get to the bottom of the 1MDB debacle.
So yes, Sarawak, if you'd like to see the alleged perpetrators of the world's largest scam go unpunished, vote for Adenan and his merry men of wannabe autocrats.
We'll always remember the favour you did for the nation as a whole.
Disgusted: Wrong, Adenan. It has everything to do with the Sarawak election.
A vote for BN in Sarawak is a vote condoning Najib's behaviour in allegedly swindling the rakyat billions of ringgit and forcing them to pay for bailouts and shortfalls in the country's budget.
It’s all about the removal of subsidies and raising taxes which include the obnoxious GST which has hit every Malaysian, including Sarawakians, hard just to save 1MDB.
Sarawakians will pay heavily in future if the BN government is allowed to continue its rule in this country. Think about your children and the future generations and vote BN out.
MyView: Indeed, think twice before you speak. Who eventually will be paying for GST? The rakyat.
As for 1MDB fiasco and if it needs government bailout, eventually the money will still come out from rakyat's pocket, including the people from Sarawak.
Apache: If the natives still believe they will not be affected by these two mega national issues and accept their RM100 donation, they should use the monies to live on for the next five years. --Mkini

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