
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, April 28, 2016

‘We’re surprised that AG surprised that he survived’

YOURSAY | ‘The legacy Apandi leaves is that of an unprincipled AG, reviled by many.’
Kuasa Rakyat: Attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali was surprised that he survived? Well, I am not.
He is handpicked and selected by PM Najib Razak for this special job and so far, Apandi has been doing what he has been appointed to do. So what's so surprising that he is still the AG?
If the next PM is appointed by Pakatan Harapan and Apandi is still the AG, then he should be very, very surprised.
Slumdog: Indeed, we are all surprised that Apandi is surprised. When Apandi protects and absolves the number one suspect of any wrongdoing in allegedly the biggest heist in the history of Malaysia, he becomes a protected species and his reward is that he keeps his job and is rewarded with directorships and titles.
The legacy Apandi leaves is that of an unprincipled attorney-general, and reviled by the majority of the rakyat.
Speak for All: Yes, I am surprised that you are surprised that you survived over the past eight months but honestly, this is nothing to be shocked about. You were brought in as a saviour for our PM.
This country has been governed by clowns so it is no surprise to us that another clown has joined the Malaysian circus.
Unafraid: Apandi, how did you survive? Clearly you survived because you are a paid ‘rubber stamper’.
All your much-touted knowledge and experience in law has come to nothing when you are prepared to sacrifice truth for your rice bowl.
You are prepared to sacrifice your integrity for the sake of retaining your position. You have brought great disgrace to the high office that you are holding. Shame on you.
Pemerhati: After Apandi surprised the country by clearing the man who received ‘681 American pies’, he lost all credibility.
Anything he says now will be viewed with scepticism and possibly even with revulsion and disgust.
The people will possibly be wondering as to how many ‘pies’ this unprincipled and untrustworthy man got or is likely to get for protecting the alleged thief.
Anonymous 122461436161429: We are not shocked. You will be there as long as Najib is PM.
And what is so challenging about your job? You are probably told what to do and do it without thinking or considering the law or the facts or whether it is right or wrong.
That's actually quite easy and does not need any effort at all.
Anonymous_1421806811: What he meant was he was surprised because he had yet been implicated in a massive conspiracy to cover up alleged crimes involving top leaders.
Ash Burn: Uphold the rule of law, all else is secondary. The mark of a civilised nation is how it treats the ordinary citizen.
Anonymous_1372741039: May we dare hope that this round of investigations will see some positive results.
All those involved must be thoroughly investigated. No stones must be left unturned in nailing the perpetrators.
PM once declared that all those who are guilty must be charged and the book hurled at them. They have brought shame and embarrassment to Malaysia.
A guy caught for stealing a loaf of bread is jailed. What more if it's the nation’s coffers.
Fairplayer: Apandi admits he doesn't know everything, and yet how could he "selectively" claim to know certain "truth" pertaining to Islam converts, Najib, and clearing the PM of wrongdoing.
I don't envy these "powerful" men. They have to pay for the injustices they meted out on innocent rakyat. God Himself will make them pay, sooner or later. I just hope sooner.
Vijay47: I had always been under the impression that the El Nino effect took a toll only on weather conditions, but it looks like it also affects selected individuals.
First, we had Arul Kanda finally admitting that perhaps certain ... errr … indiscretions had occurred in 1MDB with insider assistance.
Now, out of the blue, none other than the AG himself has proudly announced that he had called for fresh investigations into that cursed entity.
Tell me, Mr I-Marvel-I-Am-Still-AG-AG, from the time you firmly insisted that there was no call for further enquiry into 1MDB until your sudden concern now for justice, what fresh evidence has surfaced to make you change your stand?
Surely it cannot be the antics of insidious foreign elements in Luxembourg, Switzerland, France, and those infernal Sarawak Report and The Wall Street Journal, all bent on doing Najib in?
And incidentally, does your re-look at the true meaning of life mean that you will now charge the inspector-general of police's brother for protesting against a cross at a church? -Mkini

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