
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, October 3, 2016

A pernicious race-religion combo attack on Azizah

YOURSAY | ‘Such statements fly in the face of Islamic values. What a disgrace.’
Mushiro: Padang Serai PAS chief Shaharuddin Ibrahim was instigating Muslims when he said Kak Wan (PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail) should be buried in a Chinese cemetery because of her stand against the Hudud bill. This is clearly racist and religious fanaticism.
PAS chief Abdul Hadi Awang's tabling of the Hudud bill is hypocrisy and playing to the gallery.
There has been no effort by PAS or Hadi to work on the many rampant practices of other Islamic prohibitions like corruption, cheating, misrule and kleptocracy, which have caused colossal losses to the country and affected the people's daily livelihood.
By keeping silent on these issues, PAS has issued a 'ticket to heaven' to the breakers of Islamic prohibitions of corruption and embezzlement in the 1MDB scandal and the so-called RM2.6 billion donation.
PAS is playing God by issuing a 'ticket to the Chinese cemetery' to Kak Wan and a 'ticket to heaven' to the crooks of 1MDB.
RR: Taking Shaharuddin's condemnation of Azizah, we can conclude that 50 percent Muslims would be buried in non-Muslim cemeteries because not all can be real Muslims in the eyes of Allah.
And that includes PAS members who are free from all sins of corruption, bribery, illegal logging on Orang Asli lands, etc.
Please think before you open your mouth and don't hurt your fellow Muslims for your selfish reason.
Headhunter: If Muslims are wondering why there are people who badmouth their religion, they don't have to look further than this man.
It's Muslims like the Padang Serai PAS chief who is mainly responsible for it. They give their religion a bad name by their uncouth behaviour.
He's the real infidel if ever there is one, certainly not outstanding Muslims like Kak Wan.
Godfearing: PAS pronouncements, more often than not, sound not only idiotic but also very un-Islamic.
Such statements fly in the face of Islamic values. What a disgrace. They don't seem to realise that they are doing a huge disservice to the cause of Islam.
Hearty Malaysian: Using presumed authority to speak as Almighty to intimidate other Muslims or non-Muslims for criticising Hadi's Private Member’s Bill is certainly not a religious act but more of compulsion to blindly support Hadi's political ambitions.
Bazooka: From what I have learned, according to a hadith, when a person accuses another of being a "kafir", the accusation is deflected back to the accuser if the one being accused happens to be Muslim.
It is unfortunate that such an accusation towards a fellow Muslim leader of a rival political party who happens to disagree with the proposed amendment to Act 355 [Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act] is made in a Friday sermon by a so-called 'ulama' who should have known better.
Swipenter: Self-righteousness is the hallmark of these holier-than-thou Muslims, and we have plenty of them here.
Ision2020: Umno and MO1 (Malaysian Official 1) can afford to lose non-Muslim voters by lumping them together in one urban vote bank like Damansara (formerly Petaling Jaya Selatan seat) and by teaming up with PAS to win the rural seats with smaller vote bank.
This gerrymandering strategy, based on racial composition, will ensure Umno stay in hegemonic power with a minority of popular votes but with a majority of state and parliamentary seats.
Anakraja: Hadi's bill is a self-created bill just to give injustice to all. Even moderate Muslims are laughing at this bill.
It is better for Hadi to tie his bill on a long pole and hang it in the air, and see if anyone is interested to pick it up.
Anonymous #86633731: Everything in this country is about race and religion. Indeed, 1Malaysia really rings hollow.
Worldly Wise: The use of the term ‘infidel’ reveals a person's intellectual bankruptcy.
It is the proposal that must be canvassed. Personally attacking critics of the bill is not on. Punishing people for breaching religious strictures is primitive conduct.
Morality is already covered and protected by civil laws. On a proper understanding of the religion, Islam places emphasis on good moral conduct not in compliance with strictures.Many comply with strictures but do not hesitate to get immoral favours or do harm to others.

Responsible Malaysian: This is very confusing indeed. How many faked Gods are around? Or it’s just a matter of power and money? -Mkini

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