
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Akta Bible ?

Here is a short list of 20  "extra Quranic" beliefs which are found in the Christian / Jewish  Bible, the Jewish Talmud, Gemarah and the writings of old Jewish rabbis. 

 "Extra Quranic" means they are not found in the Quran. For Muslims this means it is not part of the wahyu in the Quran.

These same list of beliefs, very similar to the Jewish and Biblical beliefs are also upheld by the mullahs, the ISIS, the jihadis and others.
1.    Jewish ritual of "Netilat Yadayim"  -  Washing the Hands In The Morning

Every Jew must wash his hands upon awakening.  During the night, it is assumed that a person's hands will have touched some unclean part of his body.  

One must be very cautious not to dip his fingers inadvertently into the water he will be using for the washing of their hands, because by dipping the unwashed finger into the water he has made the water unclean and unfit for washing.


Here is the mullah version Abu Hurayrah  narrated that the Prophet  (saw) said: “Whoever gets up after sleeping, let him not put his hand in the water container until he washes them thrice, for he does not know where his hands rested at night.” [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]

The narration by Abu Hurairah about handwashing mirrors the Jewish Netilat Yadayimmorning hand washing ritual. 

There is no specific mention of any morning ritual hand washing in the Quran. The Quran demands us to be clean all the time.

2.  The christian belief that converting someone to christianity is rewarded with a place in heaven.

"Together we can raise the roof of the kingdom of God and cause the angels in Heaven to continually rejoice. For each soul that is saved, the angels rejoice" ( LUKE 15:7,10 ). 

The same thing is taught by the mullahs. The mullahs believe that if they convert someone then they will be assured a place in heaven :   

"What is the reward of convincing someone to convert to Islam?   The reward of convincing someone to convert to Islam is very great and he/she will enter heaven if it is supported by other good deeds and avoid bad deed based on the Qur'an and hadith. He/she will have a pleasant place in Heaven." 


As a point of accuracy, and quite predictably, this idea cannot be found in the Quran either. 

Jewish Practice » Mitzvahs & Traditions

3.  The Jewish law of burying finger nail clippings.

The Jewish teachings say that after clipping your fingernails, you must bury them.  The Gemarah (a Jewish religious book) tells us that   "the righteous burn their nails, the pious bury them, and the wicked carelessly discard them."

The Gemarah explains that nail clippings must be carefully disposed of lest a pregnant woman pass over them and miscarry.

Now here is the extra Quranic, mullah version of the same idea :   


al-Nawawî, the eminent jurist writes in al-Majmû`: "It is preferred to bury what is trimmed or cut from a person's hair and nail. They should be buried in the ground."

Likewise, Ibn Qudâmah, the leading Hanbalî jurist, writes in al-Mughnî: "It is preferable to bury one's fingernail clippings and the hair left over after the hair is cut." 


Again this is NOT IN THE QURAN.   

4. The Jews wearing the 'kippah' or skull cap.

Some Jewish "Laws of Covering the Head".  Since the days of old it was the Jewish custom to keep the head covered at all times. Thus, the skull cap became a familiar part of the Jew's attire.   Generally, Jews take it for granted that the head should be covered when they find themselves in a holy place, such as the synagogue, or engaged in a sacred occupation, such as the study of the Torah, reciting of prayers.

This is not unlike the mullahs also wearing a skull cap. In Malay it is called kopiah, or kepiyah in Kedah.

Again this is NOT IN THE QURAN.   

5.  Statues are forbidden -  this is as per the Jewish Bible, in the book of  Deuteronomy 4:15-18  which talks about the prohibition of graven images like statues and carvings. 

The ISIS have also been going around destroying ancient statues, art works and archaeological findings based on the 'extra Quranic' belief that ALL statues and ALL carvings are forbidden.

What does the Quran say? The Quran says that the Prophet Solomon had statues built for him (see Surah 34:12-13).

6.  Belief in the "2nd Coming of Jesus Christ" - Most certainly this is a Biblical idea found in the christian Bible.  Refer  Mathew 24:27 and other books of the Bible.  

The mullahs also believe in the 2nd Coming of Jesus. 

The Shiahs also believe in the coming of an Imam Mahdi.  

This idea of the 2nd Coming of Jesus or the Imam Mahdi is  not found in the Quran.

7.   The Jewish concept of "akidah as faith" is found in the Hebrew Bible. 

Refer Hebrews 11:17, Romans 4:16.  
Or just Google "Aqeedah in the Jewish Bible".  

In Hebrew it is also called 'aqeedat'.   

Among the mullahs, the ISIS  and jihadis this idea of 'akidah as faith' - is very important It is a source of much 'holier than thou' behaviour among many of them.

This Jewish concept of  'aqeedah as faith'   is not found in the Quran.

8.  The ownership of slaves is detailed in the Jewish Bible (Lev 25:44,46; Lev 22:10-11; Exod 21:32 etc).    

Among the mullahs, the ownership of slaves is also detailed in  books like the  Al Muwattathat is attributed to Malik.   Ownership of slaves - the ISIS have made headlines with their 21st century slavery.    
There is no slavery in the Quran. The Quran says emphatically to free the slaves (Surah 2:177, 24:33, 9:60, etc

9.  Kill the apostates -  The idea to kill apostates is found in the Bible as well. Refer Mark 7:10, Deut 13:5-10, Lev 24:16 etc.

Killing the apostates has also become the trademark of ISIS and the jihadis. They have beheaded anyone whom they say is an apostate.  
The Quran mentions no punishment for those who believe, then apostate, then believe, then apostate and then persist in their apostasy  (Refer Surah 4:137).

10.  Women covering their heads - Again this is also found in the Bible (1st Corinthians 11:5-6).

The ISIS and the jihadis make a very big fuss about women covering their heads.  

There is no mention of the woman's head or woman's hair anywhere in the Quran.

11.  Kill the adulterer -  This too is found in the Bible.  Please refer Leviticus 20:10,Deuteronomy 22:20-23 etc.

And this is another favorite of the jihadis and the ISIS.

This too is not found in the Quran.  

Other than the above -  the following beliefs or practises are also not found in the Quran  but they are found in the Jewish / Christian Bible and also in the extra Quranic  teachings of the mullahs :  

12.   circumcision of men (Genesis 12-17,  'Brit bein HaBetarim' in Hebrew)

13.   hanging holy writing on wall, on forehead (Deuteronomy 6:9)

14.   saying the Amen (Revelation 7:12, Deuteronomy 27 : 16 - 26)

15.   story of creation of woman from man's rib (Genesis 2:22)

16.   religious people wearing  beards (Leviticus 19:27)

17.   religious people wearing turbans and robes (Leviticus 16:4).  

Since then I have discovered many more 'mullah teachings' which are NOT FOUND IN THE QURAN but which are found in the Christian Bible and / or the Jewish teachings.

Here is a montage that someone sent to me. These are Biblical references. Many of these are similar to what the mullahs teach. And they are NOT found in the Quran.

I want to 'extract' a few of the things from the picture above :

18.  Kill non-Christians, see Deuteronomy 13:13-19. The ISIS also believes in killing non Muslims.  This is NOT in the Quran.

19. The raping of women 2 Peter 2:7-8.  The ISIS believes in this as well.  The Salafis living in the west also believe in this. This is NOT IN THE QURAN. 

20. Kill all homosexuals see Leviticus 20:13. 

The ISIS, the Taliban, the Salafis, Wahhabis all believe in this. There is no such thing in the Quran.

They are found in two other sources ie  :
  •  in the Jewish / Christian Bible, the Jewish Talmud, Gemarah and the rabbinical writings.
  • the "extra Quranic" writings of the mullahs

 In conclusion, here are two mystery questions :

1. Can the Muslims explain why so many of their extra Quranic beliefs can also be found inthe Jewish / Christian Bible and/or the Jewish theologies ? 

2. Can the Christians / Jews  explain why so many of the extra Quranic mullah beliefs and behaviours which they do not like  are found in the Jewish / Christian Bible  and the Jewish theologies ?


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