
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Cerita Minyak Habis : Matrikulasi Students Starving In Labuan ! ! Have Not Received Allowances Since JULY !! Gomen Got No Mani !!

Folks I know that I sound like a doomsayer. Please do not blame me. I am not a doomsayer. I feel I can see things that are really very obvious. Then I ring the alarm bell.  Sadly so far plenty of the warnings that I have been shouting about have come true.  

I do not make the bad news.  
It is they who makes the bad things happen. 
I just  raise the alarm, when I can see them screwing up. 

Even more sadly some people choose to ignore what I say. Not only that, they want to shoot the messenger.  

10 years ago I wrote my book about the collapse of the Islamic countries. No one listened. Instead they banned that book - 10 years after !!  

Now the Islamic countries have not only collapsed but they have become damned.  The damned-nations or "damnation" for short.

Fine. Go ahead and just ignore other views and news. 

This morning I received a comment and another sms with some info.  This is very sad. 

The gomen has no money to pay the monthly allowances of the Matriculation Students. This has been going on since JULY  - at least.  

There is a Media Statement issued by the Ministry of Education stating that the "no - money" issue will be resolved by October 18th, 2016. 

Here is that notice from the Ministry :

In Labuan, Matriculation students at one college have gone hungry - they are starving. Parents and local citizens have organised food parcels. 

The college administrators have refused to allow the parents and citizens to deliver the food packets. Now here is a news report from Borneo Today  :


Some KML students who were able to collect pre-packed food 
from the volunteer group. They however declined to speak 
with BorneoToday to get comments from them.

In Crisis, Yet Food For Needy KML Students May End Due To Inanity
October 12, 2016


LABUAN – A sincere effort to provide meals to starving students of Labuan Matriculation College (KML) could be scuttled even before it enters its third day Wednesday as witless officials attempt to block the effort by a team of volunteers.

embarrassed that students go hungry every day because no monthly allowance (for over two months now) these officials are against the distribution of the packed food.


But all this could have been avoided had the Ministry of Education not suspended the meagre monthly allowance of RM250 that is provided to the students throughout a 10-month study or two semesters.

Students received allowance for June and July, not received allowance since then. 

Volunteers delivered packed food 
parked cars nearby so that students could come and get food.

Volunteers from Labuan, concerned for students willing to lend helping hand.

KML has 2500 students from various states in the country.
“The least we could do is to provide them with a hot meal on a daily basis till this crisis is over,” a concerned parent told BorneoToday. 
  • They keep denying that the situation is under control. 
  • For what, to save their bosses the embarrassment. 
  • Everyone in Labuan knows poorer KML students not getting food
Students declined to comment for fear of retribution by KML 

Social media remarks has been rife especially since last week. 

“Allowan kena gantung (allowance suspended), went one whatsapp message. “What is (deputy Education Minister) Datuk Mary Yap doing about this,” went another message.  “Is she even aware of the situation,” said yet another.

Another message read: “KML dari dulu ada saja masalah….kencing tikus…masalah air dan sekarang gantung elaun” (there has been frequent problems at KML … rat urine, dry taps and now no allowances).

“Why Wld canteen operator give out free meals?” another message on social media claimed. “There are no such thing as free meals”.

“Ramai yg beli nasi dan kuah je…mkn pun 1 kali srhari sbb parent mmg x mampu bg duit (Many of them buy rice and gravy only once a day; their parents cannot afford to give them any pocket money).

My comments :  Mary Yip is probably doing the korek hidung inside her office.

That Labuan college refuses to allow parents and other people provide food to the hungry students because they are mostly from the church groups -  christians.

Well the Muslims are not appearing with any food packets, possibly because they are also short on food. 

Malu punya pasal, the college is not allowing the christian groups from helping. Also food got no halal sticker.  Better go hungry first.

  • Gomen hospitals are NOT doing many blood tests for patients anymore. No money.
  • Neurosurgeons in one hospital are taking longer to do surgery because equipment have not been serviced. No money.
  • The lifts at the 12 storey Wisma Persekutuan in Kuala Terengganu are not functioning. Some civil servants are NOT going to work, they cannot walk up 12 floors.  No money for repairs.
  • Now matriculation students have not received allowances since July - they have no food to eat.
All the money has been stolen by the 1MDB crooks, and all the crooks in the gomen.

Here is the sad part - siapa miskin dulu?

How do you answer this question? 

Who are the students at that Matriculation College in Labuan?  

They will drive their cars until they run out of gas. Then they will get down and just stand there. Not knowing what to do next. 

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