
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, October 23, 2016

Gerakan, if we do nothing, Malaysia will indeed go bankrupt

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YOURSAY | ‘The nation's economic status is not decided by public opinion.’
Sound Mind: Gerakan has nothing better to do? What opinion do you need? You mean as leaders you don't understand what is going on, and can only seek public opinion whether the country will go bankrupt or not?
We do not need the public to cast their votes. As long as politicians like you waste time in seeking opinions on whether the country will go bankrupt, then the country may indeed go bankrupt.
The world economy is failing. Why? It is due to the number of politicians who are bankrupt of ideas.
17855980173210: The nation's economic status is not decided by public opinion. Economic experts have given a gloomy outlook for Malaysia, and it is not surprising given the wastage by the government.
Jaguh: What is your objective, Gerakan? Do something concrete to prevent Malaysia from being bankrupt for heaven's sake instead of conducting opinion polls.
SusahKes: Oh, I would love to go and key in my response to the survey. But somehow I have this feeling that Gerakan people cannot be trusted with this poll.
The last GE has already shown us what most Malaysians think and feel about Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) and Gerakan.
Pay attention to those results first if you wish to know how people feel. Otherwise, you might as well stay at home and catch some Looney Tunes on TV.
Mafeeah: How about running a poll whether Gerakan will survive and should survive after the next GE? It's a no brainer.
Jaguh: Penang BN chief Teng Chang Yeow has no idea about the business environment, world demand and manufacturing costs over the years that DAP has helmed Penang.
The period 2008 till today is the most challenging for the manufacturing sector, and as technology advances, needs change.
The number of foreign conglomerates who came and went during this period is the highest and yet, DAP has been able to keep the status quo.
Why harp on growth, when maintaining its performance is an achievement by itself? Well, this what politicking an issue is about but at least, back up with facts.
Anyway, Teng, go ahead and take back Penang - in two years, you and BN will lose all the industrial activity in Penang.
Spinnot: Hello, a year after DAP took over Penang from Gerakan, the world was hit by the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, and we are yet to recover fully from it.
Our national economy is made worse by a series of mega corruption scandals. And you are now telling us how smart you are?
Wong Fei Hoong: Teng, just ask yourself why the country is doing so badly in terms of foreign investment. If no one wants to invest in Malaysia due to its rotten policies and regulations, it also affects Penang.
Er Jie: If you want to talk about the economy, then first ask why the depreciation of the ringgit from 3.3 to 4.1 to the US dollar, which is a 25 percent depreciation.
And why not talk about 1MDB, and who sponsored South Korean singer Psy in the run-up to the 13th general election.
Jack n Jill: I am surprised that the manufacturing sector in Penang still registered a zero growth and not a negative growth.
However, this blame must be placed squarely on the Gerakan government for failing to anticipate regional competition from Vietnam, Thailand and Philippines for labour intensive manufacturing jobs when they were in power.
In actual fact, the growth had started to slow down at the start of the new millennium, which the previous government failed to anticipate and take quick action to stop.
At that time, Gerakan was still in power. Penang, despite many years of engineering experience failed to move up the value chain to compete with more advanced countries like Japan, Korea and Taiwan.
This is the real cause of the zero growth. I put the blame squarely on the previous government for failing to read the competitive landscape. In conclusion, it was the lack of leadership from the previous state government that has led Penang into its current state.
The government under Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has done a wonderful job in reversing the trajectory. The recent decision by Broadcom to move its base to Penang is a testament of a top-notch technology company putting their confidence in the Penang government.

Rupert16: The proof is in the pudding. In this respect, did Penangites elect any Gerakan assemblyperson or MP at the 2013 general election in light of its claim that the state has been badly managed since 2008? -Mkini

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