
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Pandikar: If I respond, I'll look ridiculous

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A heated exchange between Dewan Rakyat Speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia and Lim Lip Eng (DAP-Segambut) in the Special Chamber yesterday resulted in the MP being booted out.
Speaking to reporters later, Lim said in a shouting match, he told the speaker: "We're elected by the people, you're appointed by MO1."
'MO1' is in reference to an individual dubbed 'Malaysian Official 1' in the United States Department of Justice lawsuit to seize 1MDB-linked assets, which states that US$730 million originating from 1MDB went to MO1.
According to the BN Backbenchers Council mouthpiece BNBBC.my, Lim was booted out because he was rude.
"It seems to be common for some opposition MPs to act rudely against the speaker, especially while the Dewan Rakyat is in session," BNBBC said.
A review of the footage of yesterday's session shows the exchange sparked when Lim told the speaker not to lecture him.
The speaker was taking the MP to task for earlier telling him to resign over alleged failure to implement improvements in Parliament.
Pandikar said the Special Chamber is evidence of improvements made.
When Lim stood to tell the speaker to stop "lecturing him", Pandikar said: "If you can lecture about me out there, and the public reads it and you enjoy it, and when I am lecturing you (inside) the chamber, in my authority, you don't want to listen to me."
Lim took issue with Pandikar's pointing, escalating the war of words.
Below is the full transcript. The original speech was a mixture of Bahasa Malaysia and English, while the transcript below is a full translation in English.
Pandikar: You like ridiculing the speaker in your media statement, but I would like to remind you, last year you challenged me to resign from my post because improvements to Parliament, in your opinion, were not implemented.
I did not have a chance to rebut, because if I respond, I would look ridiculous.
This improvement (referring to the Special Chamber which was in sitting), is the result of the improvements. This is the result of the efforts some of us MPs made, but you choose to ridicule me all the time.
I read a book by Selwyn Lloyd, 'Mr Speaker, Sir'. In England, if an MP disrespects the speaker...
Lim: Mr Speaker, I'm not here for you to lecture me, okay?
Pandikar: Will you sit down? Can you sit down? If you can lecture about me out there, and the public reads it and you enjoy it, and when I am lecturing you (inside) the chamber in my authority, you don't want to listen to me.
(Pandikar points his finger at Lim)
Lim: You don't point your hand at me.
Pandikar. Sit down!
Lim: No, I won't sit down! What can you do?
Pandikar: Sit down!
Lim: No, I won't!
Pandikar: (Speaking to the Sergeant-in-Arms) Please ask him to get out.
Lim: You are a disgrace to Parliament!
Pandikar: Ask him to get out.
Lim: Disgrace!
Pandikar: You think you're not a disgrace?
Lim: We're elected, you're appointed.
(Lim is then escorted out)



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