
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, October 21, 2016

Pandikar, what’s the problem if Hansard cited by DOJ?

YOURSAY | ‘I doubt anything in the Hansard would end up influencing the outcome of the suit.’
SusahKes: My question to the House speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia is - What is it that you think they might hear in the US courts when the Department of Justice (DOJ) suit is tried, that they otherwise won't have heard elsewhere?
Much of what the suit details is already public knowledge; the only bunch of people who remain in denial are those from the BN ruling elite. I therefore doubt anything that is recorded in the Hansard would end up influencing the outcome of the suit.
If anything, your refusal, (including all your previous refusal and rulings on 1MDB) may very well be a telling factor which justifies to the US media and the world of just how hard the ruling elite is working to cover 1MDB up.
Kim Quek: It is a fundamental legal principle that there is no sub judice in Malaysia in respect of any discussion touching on what is on trial in a US court (or any foreign court for that matter) - irrespective of whether the discussion in Malaysia may or may not be referred to in the foreign court.
That principle applies whether discussion is held inside or outside the Malaysian Parliament.
For that matter, Pandikar’s ruling to ban discussion of facts referred to in the DOJ suit is out of order and must be rescinded immediately.
If Pandikar’s logic stands, then the whole (world) is prohibited from touching on the 1MDB scandal referred to in the DOJ suit at pain of committing sub judice. Does that not sound ridiculous to you, Mr Speaker?
Raja Chulan: What is wrong if the Hansard is cited by the DOJ? Unless of course, if the minister/government is not going to tell the truth or is afraid of the truth.
Pandikar's ruling is just an excuse to hide the truth. Or, Pandikar does not understand democracy and the role of the Parliament? In that case, it would be better for him to allow someone else to be the speaker of the House instead.
Longyan Ren: The opposition members of parliament may ask probing questions for which our ministers may give stupid answers, or worse, answers incriminating Malaysian Official 1 (MO1).
So, yes, Pandikar, it is better to play safe.
Anonymous #37634848: Retired Appeals Court Judge Mohd Hishamudin Mohd Yunus stated that this is not sub judice.
Is Pandikar more knowledgeable than him in law? The plot is getting thicker and all the actors are trying their best to play innocent.
Sinan Belawan: Do away with the Integrity section in the PM's Office. It has a minister and numerous staff.
This section has added no value to the integrity situation in Malaysia. We already have the government-funded Integrity Institute of Malaysia (IIM), which is adequate to undertake integrity training programmes in Malaysia.
Doc: Frankly, PM Najib Abdul Razak can promise heaven and earth in the 2017 Budget and allocate billions to the various ministries, but whether there is money in the nation's coffers in actuality is another issue.
Legit: Here are some of my recommendations for Budget 2017:
1. Eliminate the number of ministries and its agencies by at least 40 percent.
2. Eliminate the government employees at all levels - federal, state and local authorities - by 50 percent and work on improving the efficiency of government service. There are many dead woods and underemployed people in the government.
3. Take heavy-handed measures to combat corruption starting from the prime minister, ministers and all the way down to the lowest level of government employees. This also applies to the private sector. The measures would include fines, prison terms and also executions like in China.
4. Rebuild, repair and clean up all public infrastructure using the latest technology available in the market. This will automatically create tremendous amount of economic activity and hence more money for the people, higher consumption and more revenue for the government.
5. Make it compulsory for employers to train their employees and hence increase their productivity. This way we can send back many of the foreign workers in the country.
6. Remove Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) completely. This is an unnecessary burden on the government finances. Instead, provide more job opportunities and training for people.
7. Completely revamp the education system. Bring back English-medium education and more technical education. Impose stricter standards for examinations so that only the best qualify for higher education.
The lesser qualified should be sent to technical and vocational schools. Allocate enough resources for education as human resource development is the key to success for any country.
Anonymous 2435261475218966: I thought BR1M contribution at least will lower the rakyat's burden with regard to their daily needs. Hopefully the rakyat will be grateful for what the government provides for them.

Mafeeah: Look at the country's debt and that is good enough to tell you that even I can give out BR1M if I can borrow money like no one's business. Even you could do it. It’s easy, but stupid.
Oscar Kilo: More BR1M means there are more poor people.- Mkini

1 comment:

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