
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Raja Mendeliar’s Trojan horse farm in Johor

The two mambo kings are establishing their last redoubt in Johor.
Johor is where Umno began, and Johor is where opposition leader de jure Anwar Ibrahim and opposition leader de facto Tun Mahathir Mohamad are hoping to end Najib Razak’s premiership and thus ending the Umno-led rule of the BN along with him.
Hence Johor is going to be the OK Corral where the last gunfight takes place. This time, the Bugis battleship that has already sunk Mukhriz, Muhyiddin, and some say Shafie too, is taking no prisoners.

“No retreat, no surrender!” — Najib Razak


Tun & Protuns motivated by stupendous hate

On the outskirts of Muar, Johor, the mosquito party chairman headlined a PPBM ceramah where he whacked Najib without holding back his punches.
Joceline Tan wrote in her column today:
“[Dr Mahathir] looks frail on stage, he tends to ramble and his attacks against Najib and Umno have become rather too personal for the comfort of some of his audience.  … “Those who have watched him on the ceramah trail are amazed that he is still up to it at 91.
“It just goes to show that hate is a greater motivator than love.”
There’s a saying that “nice guys don’t win wars”. This is a concept the DAP can certainly agree with, and why the evangelical party is hooking up with Tun whose hate of Najib is driving him to cooperate with the DAP as well as with Anwar.

Take no prisoners Mr President!” — YB Tengku Putra Jumat (Adun Kempas, Umno Johor)

From where Anwar Ibrahim is looking at it, it’s agreed that Najib is the push factor for Tun’s defection to Pakatan.
Anwar said in his commentary published by The Washington Post on Wednesday (Oct 12), “Najib’s overreach is even bringing my former political foes from the ruling party, including  my political benefactor and later jailer Mahathir Mohamed, to defect to the opposition.”
Kit Siang LKS Tun Mahathir

Malaysia might “become a failed state” — Anwar

In his Washington Post airing, Anwar wrote about the possibility that “our nation will implode from grand corruption and different religious and ethnic groups being pitted against each other fighting for limited resources”.
Anwar points his finger firmly at Najib for any impending implosion, saying, “This government has also stoked enmity between ethnic Malay Muslims on one hand, and ethnic Chinese and Indians of Christian, Buddhist, and Hindu religious affiliations on the other”.
He predicts that any potential outbreak of “inter-communal violence” is being fuelled by “unbridled corruption”, “religious extremism”, and government bias such as in the “extreme” gerrymandering.

Chun Wai believes Jamal is a gangster

In his op-ed today titled ‘There is no place for bigotry‘, J-Star CEO Wong Chun Wai said “the likes of Perkasa, Isma and the Red Shirts” are a liability to Umno winning elections.
Chun Wai pins the blame squarely on Jamal Sekinchan for playing with “inflammatory fire” in responding to Bersih with overtones of the May 13 spectre. He said Jamal and “his racist counterpart Ali Tinju” are organising protests “which smack of racism and are a threat to others”.
Describing Jamal as “a serial racist rabble rouser”, Chun Wai accuses the Red Shirt leader of “racist rants” / “insane ranting”, “acts of hooliganism and gangsterism”, “bigoted and offensive actions” and “brutish methods”.
Chun Wai also ticks off Jamal’s movement for their “rowdy behaviour”, “thuggery and intimidation” and insulting J-Star reporters as “Cina babi”.

Melayu 20k believes Jamal is gedebe

In order to oust Najib, Tun bersekongkol dengan DAP. His Protuns bersekongkol dengan Dapsters.
The Dapsters who support Bersih have claimed that the Red Shirts are gangsters. Similarly, one Malay blogger who makan deDAP is shouting too that the Baju Merah are “gedebe”.
This Malay mercenary is further calling on the authorities to intervene and stop the Red Shirts from assembling to meet the thuggish Yellow Shirts head-on.
This Si Kitol, who is BFF with the RBA, is demanding a police clampdown on the Red Shirts. A Johor blogger, he had once asked money from Najib but was rejected and so made a vindictive 180-degree turn. (His reputation is so bad that he has to hide behind anonymity when blogging.)
He is among the Malay Trojan horses planted to misdirect Umno, especially in Johor, so that the ruling party will cave in to the Bersih narrative.
Melayu who are api dalam sekam want Bersih to be a success so that the world can be persuaded that elections in Malaysia are dirty.

A successful Bersih will also help DAP convince Malaysians that Umno is a “racist” and “reprehensible” party as their 20k Melayu macai keeps telling the Protuns. The DAP’s Melayu-screw-Melayu strategy is kicking into overdrive. -helenang

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