
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Takpa, Takpa, Takpa Lets Wait Until More Hospitals Burn Down.

Image result for Medivest and JB Hospital fire

  • suspending Medivest would interrupt 21 other hospitals 
  • Ministry of Health will not suspend Medivest 
  • fire at JB hospital claimed six lives
  • Dep Minister Hilmi said suspending Medivest interrupt 21 hospitals 
  • penalties if Medivest found to have not fulfilled their obligations 
  • Hilmi said contracts given to Medivest worth RM350 m / yr
  • six hospitals in NS, three in Malacca, rest of hospitals in Johor
  • contract ends in 2022, govt will decide to renew contract
  • another fire at operation theatre at hospital y'day
This is from the website of Medivest:

Medivest main competencies in healthcare support services are Clinical Waste Management Service, Linen & Laundry Management Service, Cleansing Management Service, Facilities Engineering Management Service and Biomedical Engineering Management Service.
Our high work ethic and prudent investments ensure our place above the competition. We pride ourselves as being an ‘unseen hand’, silently lifting and ensuring that public healthcare standards in Malaysia are raised.

My comments : 'above the competition?' There is no competition. This is a monopoly contract. 'unseen hand'? Lifting public healthcare standards?

I say kawan, hospital sudah terbakar lah - dua kali.  Enam orang sudah mati.

Here is the cake folks : A contarct that pays RM350 million per year until 2022. Thats seven years away or RM2.45 billion away !! When did this concession begin? Usually they run 20 - 25 years. That is almost RM9.0 billion !! 

Now you see why the gomen is going broke. The funds have been sucked away by these type of plum contracts. 

Now hospitals are burning down. Hospitals do not have enough equipment, medicines.  

Enam orang mati. Takpa, takpa, takpa. Enam orang sahaja.  Bukanlah 60. Takpa.

Tengoklah besok. Mungkin ada api terbakar lagi kut.  

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