
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, October 22, 2016


(Nanyang Siang Pau) – The third session of Dewan Rakyat started on Monday and will last until 24. The most absurd part of the current session is Hadi’s private member bill, which has caused a row among Chinese-based political parties, as until now nobody is quite sure of what it is. It is not the controversy over next year’s budget to be tabled on Oct 21. The situation is indeed sad because all those Yang Berhormats enjoying high pays knows little about people’s suffering. It is like Emperor Jinhui of ancient China who asked, “If there is no rice, why not eat porridge with meat?”
Simply, to many Yang Berhormats Hadi’s private bill is more important than the budget. In other words human right is more important than food on the table. They never think what the use of human right is when people are starving to death.
As regards to the re-tabling of his private bill by PAS president Hadi Awang, some say it is only a motion and some say it is tantamount to an Act. In other words, what would the private bill become eventually nobody can explain clearly since May this year. It is such absurdity.
The second most ridiculous thing is that the hudud law is an old issue. When the former Pakatan Rakyat won overwhelmingly, I believe the wide support by Chinese voters to the opposition camp could be seen as the hudud is no more an issue.
If PAS or hudud law was indeed an issue, Gerakan would not be reduced to a mosquito party and MCA would not become a 7/Eleven shop, and of course, Parti Amanah Negara, a splitter party of PAS, would not have won so many votes in the Kuala Kangsar and Sungei Besar by-election. I don’t believe there are so-called conservative and liberal factions in PAS.
Frankly, when I see Chinese-based political leaders on both sides of the divide engaging in mutual attack, I am curious whether they are inflicted with occupational disease and reacted mechanically the moment they see hudud.
Another absurdity is the claim that Muslims must support Hadi’s private bill. If that is the case why former minister of the PM’s department Zaid Ibrahim appealed to Malaysians, especially non-Muslims, not to take the bill lightly, thinking that it won’t involve them. By saying this, isn’t he afraid that he won’t go to heaven?
Compared with the hudud law, there are too many problems which need our Yang Berhormats to take efforts to make representations or supervise. Besides economic problems, the other critical issue is the lack of police enforcement.
Let us not talk about the shocking Plaza Low Yat incident or the attack on Sri Lankan higher commissioner to Malaysia at the KLIA. The thuggish behavior of the Red Shirts have left many Malaysians puzzled, wondering whether our Police are responsible for maintaining peace and order, or they are only there to advise people from quarrelling.
If all of us allow the above absurdities to continue, I can only say that our country is running in a circle and many people would have been whacked to half dead before the enforcement of the hudud law. However, how many of our Yang Berhormat are taking it seriously?
As a matter of fact, every time when I see some people holding their pitiful children to raise funds for medical operations, I would lapse into deep thought.

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