
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, October 2, 2016

Thuggish behaviour unacceptable in Malaysian politics

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All hell broke loose when Seri Delima assemblyperson RSN Rayer uttered the words “Umno Celaka!” in the Penang state assembly.
Rayer has since been acquitted by the court; in fact, the charge against him was a waste of judicial time and public money.
But what Rayer said in public is nothing new to most Malaysians. Looking at the way how Sungai Besar Umno division leader Jamal Mohd Yunos behaves, it has turned Umno literally into a four-letter word to many civilians.
It is no longer the faces of Tunku Abdul Rahman or Hussein Onn who are representing Umno. These days, Jamal and others like Salleh Said Keruak, Rahman Dahlan and Azalina Othman have become the faces of Umno.
What is worse is when you also have the Umno secretary-general Tengku Adnan Mansor who made it to appear that the government and the Umno disciplinary committee cannot do anything to rein in the leader of the red shirts.
In the first place, did Jamal and his men apply for a police permit for their assembly? Did he or did he not?
In one of the incidents in Teluk Intan, Jamal was spotted snatching a banner from one of yellow-clad Bersih 5 supporters, causing a fracas that lasted for more than five minutes. Of all places, it was near the Dataran Menara Condong (Leaning Tower of Teluk Intan).
In another incident in Lumut, Jamal was said to have started another commotion. Why cannot Umno use people of the stature of national laureate A Samad Said or Pak Samad to counter Bersih 5, and behave in a more civillised manner?
In Padang Besar, Pak Samad was seen shaking hands with the red shirt supporters (minus Jamal). This should be the way to go in politics where people can agree to disagree, yet remain cordial to each other.
In Kelantan as well, the Bersih convoy had a good send-off by both Bersih chairperson Maria Chin Abdullah and PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, despite the state being under a PAS government.
How is it that Umno can justify the unruly behavior of one of its generals? Or, is Umno not involved?
Jamal is no small fry in Umno. He is the division leader of Sungai Besar. Certainly such thuggish behaviour would not be sanctioned by any political party for that matter?
Adding fuel to the fire
I was surprised to read Tengku Adnan as Umno secretary-general saying that the intimidation by the red shirts may turn into a riot. He knows the outcome.
In short, what is Umno doing about its rioters? Is it allowing the red shirts to create a riot so that others do not enjoy their democratic space to speak to fellow Malaysians about the need for clean and fair election?
If a riot were to happen, Tengku Adnan and ultimately, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak will have to be responsible for allowing the riot to happen.
The Bersih electoral group had organised a peaceful nationwide roadshow and this is well within their democratic rights to do so. How is it that Jamal could not be hauled up for being obviously the agitator and the troublemaker in this case?
Where is the moderation that we are talking about as a nation? If the president of Umno does not rein in the thuggish characters linked to the party, would he then have the moral legitimacy to lead civilians?
During Bersih 3, I had written about the way how the government has handled the people’s demonstrations. In one of my articles, I have mentioned that the government should not appear to be going to war with the people.
I was happy that at least during Bersih 4, the government allowed the people the freedom to express their unhappiness - better than to bottle it all up and thus may explode some day!
Since Bersih is a people’s movement, at the very least, Barisan Nasional leaders should come to the ground and address the issues that are now very close to our hearts. After all, the Bersih steering committee led by Maria Chin Abdullah has invited politicians from both sides of the political divide to join its nationwide convoy to promote Bersih 5.
They cannot accuse Bersih of being a pro-opposition movement, if opposition MPs and state assemblypersons are seen with the people. My question is: on Nov 19, would Najib himself take the opportunity to come to the ground and address the crowd on issues that have been raised by Bersih time and again?
After all, he did not have to pay anyone to be on the street and the turnout would be humongous judging from the current heat. He could win the crowd, or he could release the forces against them, and suffer the consequences later on. Nothing escapes the heel of justice.
Review Jamal’s datukship
My question is how did someone with such thuggish behaviour like Jamal get his datukship? Where did he obtain it? In my earlier article, I also asked the question how someone in his position could be given a pistol licence?
Going by the testimony of Mohd Ali Baharom or Ali Tinju, Jamal has threatened to shoot him. Certainly the police would have investigated and agree that such a person is too dangerous to be given a license to possess a gun, especially since he has a highly explosive character.
I agree with another observer elsewhere, Saleh Mohammed, who also said it is time to review his datukship, or it will only embarrass both the palace and the people who have been conferred the datukship from the same palace.
Besides his datukship, there is also the urging by MCA Wanita chief Heng Seai Kie to probe Jamal for possible Islamic State (IS) links. Although her rationale was lame, it is a serious allegation.
Disappointed with Najib
My biggest disappointment is with Najib.
In situations like this, he was like the proverbial saying, ‘Nero fiddled while Rome burned’.
In another incident involving a missing MAS aircraft, while people were mourning, he was found the next day in a supermarket boasting that he can still buy chicken at RM1 a bird. To me, it was an insult to all Malaysians.

When Kelantan was overwhelmed with floods, Najib was teeing off with US President Barack Obama. Now, while situations were tense when the red shirts were out to harass Bersih supporters, Najib was talking about Formula One (F1) race.
Talking about being a role model Islamic country and creating a young generation of ‘ulul albab’, Najib has to look at the Umno henchman, provocateur and thug, Jamal Mohd Yunos, besides Ali Tinju and Ibrahim Ali.

STEPHEN NG is an ordinary citizen with an avid interest in following political developments in the country since 2008. -Mkini

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