
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, October 14, 2016

Who's afraid of Jamal Md Yunos?

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YOURSAY | ‘Noh Omar has to do better than just a mere denial to distance himself.’
Ib: When the boss allegedly lied about the billions in his bank account, the ‘downlines’ have licence to lie in the name of protecting the boss. It looks like some even have the licence to kick others in the back.
They claim to fight for the race and religion, but they actually kick those of their own race and religion, as shown in the video.
Some call them by nasty names. I say pray for them as the evil has possessed them through ignorance and greed.
Anonymous 2415891461978791: "Enough is enough"? Well, since Malaysia is now in the midst of the biggest state kleptocracy scandal in history, the ‘clean government’ message evidently hasn't penetrated Umno very far.
It's not for regime officials to determine how much free speech they find comfortable with.
Hopeful but Prepared: Urban Well-being, Housing and Local Government Minister Noh Omar, firstly, it is impossible to deny Umno's ties with the red shirts when one of your own division chiefs leads them.
 It is like the head saying what the hand does is not the responsibility of the rest of the body. The hand is still attached to the body and the head is giving the orders.
Citizen No 26: Noh Omar, your Sungai Besar Umno division chief is leading, provoking and instigating civil unrest.
As the chief of Selangor Umno, you can only lamely respond that you could not do anything against him. What a load of rubbish coming out from a minister.
Matteropong: Where did Jamal obtain his funds to do something that does not equate real Malay culture and the practice of Islam?
Why is Jamal not referred to Umno's discipline committee like the other Umno division leaders who were sacked recently?
There must be a strong hidden hand backing this uncivilised Malaysian culture.
Anonymous 706151436780066: Noh Omar has to do better than just a mere denial to distance himself from the Jamal Md Yunos-led red shirts.
Secondly, why does he need to deny the Umno-red shirts link unless he has a guilty conscience. Thirdly, why did it take Noh Omar so long to come out with the denial?
Liew Lean Kut: Sure, sure, sure, minister, they are not associated with Umno, this thug is only a divisional chief, and there are only a few Umno Youth members with him, and they bought their own red shirts and print the Umno logo on them, but minister, I just don't understand how come these thugs masquerading as Umno members and the party didn't lift a finger to stop them?
For all I understand, their action is akin to stomping on the face of Umno. They depict Umno as a thuggish organisation. These morons think they are doing a service to Umno, but every action they take against Bersih is a slap on Umno’s face.
RM2.6 Billion Turkey Haram: Jamal, I’m so sad for you. Your effort to protect PM Najib Razak's leadership is not being appreciated. Instead, your red shirt gang is disowned. Apa lagi you mahu?
CQ Muar: Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin, condemning and expressing the violence by red shirts as unacceptable isn't good enough. The disgraceful behaviour and damage had occurred.
Such disgusting provocation had taken place prior to this incident, but you didn't issue any warning against those Umno-fed hooligans. This was the reason that led those ill-bred mobsters to repeat what they did.
And now, you are expressing hypocritical disapproval over those unruly behaviour. Surely the inspector-general of police (IGP) couldn't have possibly overlooked such uncouth public assault... unless he (Khalid Abu Bakar) was sleeping (on the job).
KJ, we hope and trust your proposal that "stern action" be taken against those perpetrators won't turn out to be just a slap on their wrists. Nothing short of a hefty fine and imprisonment will be justifiable.
We, the rakyat, are watching and we demand their leader, Jamal, who is the main instigator, be arrested soonest possible.
Monty: Thank you, Khairy. And now that a minister of the government has confirmed that Bersih members were indeed attacked by that slime ball from Sungai Besar Umno division we expect Jamal to be arrested and charged accordingly.
And I hope that the IGP will not find excuses for not doing so. Jamal should be taken out of action before more damage is caused.
Bersih supporters have every right to demonstrate against the government in whatever manner they want so long as they do this peacefully.
Roguekiller: Khairy, your Selangor Umno Youth had vowed action against Bersih when it marches into Selangor. These are your men and you are their head; what do you do?
Have you put a stop on them? There is no use just talking; prove your worth, reprimand those who have acted.
Hardboiled: Indeed, you are the Umno Youth leader. You should take responsibility by going to the frontlines to reign in your disgruntled members.

Meerkat: Thumbs up to KJ's stand. But it looks like Jamal is more powerful than the Umno Youth chief in the hierarchy of the chain of command. - Mkini

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