
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, October 10, 2016

Zaid, we must temper idealism with pragmatism

YOURSAY | ‘BN provides the manure of race and religious politics that sustains PAS.’
Kim Quek: A very eloquent speech by former minister Zaid Ibrahim indeed, striking all the right notes of what all Malaysians should be pursuing to put the country up in the right path towards a successful democracy.
And that means, under the current circumstances, electing Pakatan Harapan to rule, with Anwar Ibrahim eventually becoming the PM.
But the big question is, how to achieve that with Umno having the entire government machinery under its iron grip to ensure that by hook or by crook, Umno would continue to rule while the opposition has not formed a united bloc to challenge the incumbent?
If we truly realise the stupendous huddles ahead, we should appreciate the truism that if we want to be successful in politics, we have to temper idealism with pragmatism.
And that means that without compromising our fundamental political principles, we must be flexible and agile to seek ways and means and even to detour in order to reach our destination.
And that I believe is what PKR, DAP, Amanah and Bersatu are doing now. Let us give them our full support. Let us cross the mountain (Umno-BN) before us first, and a new horizon would be open before us.
Sarawakian: Zaid, you are a good man and a patriot. I respect you, but you do not understand the thing called realpolitik and therefore you have failed and will continue to fail as a politician and a statesman.
Just because Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah (Ku Li) allegedly managed to con Kelantanese (and this is perhaps more due to Nik Aziz Nik Mat than Ku Li), it does not mean the rest of us Malaysians will be conned, too.
There is zilch chance of toppling BN if PAS is the spoiler in three-cornered fights. We may abhor PAS but remember BN provides the manure of race and religious politics that sustains PAS.
I therefore agree with those who intend to accommodate PAS in order to defeat BN. Deal with the root cause first. Post-BN, PAS will fade away by the 15th general election (GE15).
Frank: I agree with Zaid. They believe by bringing PAS to the table, this is the shortcut to the one where much effort, time and money need to be spent to get the rakyat to do the right thing every single time?
How wrong could these people be? See what is currently going on in Sabah. Instead of spending time and whatever else on dragging PAS to the table, do invest on the people who long for leaders who will do things right for Malaysia, and most Malaysians deserve such.
You, Azmin Ali and former DPM Muhyiddin Yassin have been warned. For the former you shall lose Selangor and the rest of the country, and for the latter you will gain nothing when you continue to waste your time on PAS.
Vision2020: The rakyat cannot vote for PAS because it puts the country to become a theological state instead of a secular state, which is against our supreme Federal Constitution as envisaged by the far-sighted multiracial forefathers when we secured Merdeka on Aug 31, 1957.
The rakyat cannot vote for Umno because it has been using the weapons of race and religion to create fear and thrive on the insecurity among the various races to sustain their hegemonic power and enrich the Umnoputras via the New Economic Policy’s (NEP) policies that never reach to the poor rural kampong folk.
Rightan: Zaid is right. If the choice is between keeping BN for one more term and replacement of PM with PAS in the government and everything else goes on as usual, then I will go for BN. One known devil is better than an unknown devil.
Hopeful But Prepared: Well said, well thought-out and based on hard facts. This is how a politician should send their message.
GE14Now!: It is difficult to think for the nation when the person who represents it is also the most visible sign of all that is wrong with the country.
The 1MDB debacle is not settled, thieving politicians still roam freely, racist policies and money politics abound and the latest Election Commission (EC) redelineation have once again demonstrated that this is an administration that will win by hook or by crook.
The people who talk about moderation are totally intolerant of any dissent that is demonstrated. It is easier to cry for the nation at this stage for Umno and BN seem hell-bent on turning this nation into the Zimbabwe of Asia.
Tan Kim Keong: Gerakan deputy Youth chief Andy Yong, who is your target for this piece? If you have a specific target or targets, then be forthright. No need to be tactful or assume the intended target or targets will read and get your message.
And stop this practice of being politically correct. If you stand for something and need to call out others, then do so up-front. Otherwise it's a waste of your time and effort to state your opinion.
FellowMalaysian: Yong, you suggest that the PM and the rest of politicians strive towards achieving an egalitarian country based on humanitarian and democratic principles. That's precisely DAP's ideology and DAP has also never wavered from their commitment towards meeting this goal.
Anonymous_3e86: As a member of the ruling coalition, you have the means to take more serious action.
You know who the root of all our country's problems today is but yet you and your party's members have no voice in the BN coalition.

Do you and your fellow party members have a conscience? Do you want your grandchildren to live in a racist country full of corruption? Do you want your grandchildren to be treated as second-class citizens?
Yong, do us a favour. Walk the talk or shut up. - Mkini

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