
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, August 21, 2018

'You have not changed' - Najib shares a song, clip features Dr M

Former premier Najib Abdul Razak has taken a musical swipe at his predecessor-turned-successor Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
In a Facebook posting, he shared a video of a song, whose lyrics he claimed describes his situation.
"A friend sent me the link through Whatsapp. I have no idea who edited the video... Thank you to the person who edited this video," he said.
The song featured in the video is by the local rock band Exist, titled “Alasanmu (Your excuse)”.
The clip begins with footages of Najib when he was prime minister and BN chairperson, with the opening lyrics of the song stating that “the heart's sincerity was often misunderstood.”
This is followed by an image showing Mahathir and him having a conversation on Pakatan Harapan's manifesto.
Manis dibibirmemutar kata, malah kau tuduh akulah segala penyebabnya (Sweet words, spinning of words, in fact, you accused me of being the cause of everything),” the singer renders on.
Then came the video of a teary-eyed Mahathir with his grandchildren, which appears in time with the portion of the song that states, “Siapa terlena pastinya terpukaupujukmurayumusuaramu yang menagih simpati dan harapan (Those who are naive, will surely be enamoured, (with) your coaxing, pleas, voice which crave for sympathy and hope).
Following this, a laughing Mahathir makes an appearance before an image of a solemn-looking Najib and another of the latter in prayer.
At this juncture the song goes: “Engkau pastinya tersenyum dengan pengunduran dirikutetapi bagiku pula, suatu ketenangan. (You will surely smile over my withdrawal, but for me, it is a form of peace).
The tail end of the song and featured images gave the impression that Najib was glad that he is no longer with Mahathir and the latter has not changed.
Andainya kita terus bersama, belum tentu kita bahagia selagi tidak kau ubah cara hidupmu. Ada rahmatnya bila tidak lagi bersama.
Terasa jauh diriku ini dengan dosa. Ku tinggalkan kamu walau tanpa kerelaan, yang nyata kau tidak berubah.”
(If we were together, there is no certainty that we would be happy as long as you do not change. There is a blessing when no longer together, I feel that I am far from sin. I left you although unwillingly, what is clear is that you have not changed). -Mkini

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