
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Man dies from rabies in Sarawak - Health DG


A 42-year-old man became the latest victim to die of rabies in Sarawak, said Health director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah.

He said the man died at 6.53am on Oct 20 at the Sarawak General Hospital (HUS), and was confirmed to be infected with the rabies virus through laboratory tests conducted by the Medical Research Institute (MRI) on the same date.

The man was admitted to HUS on Oct 15 after suffering from muscle weakness and inability to walk apart from sleep loss due to hallucinations and swallowing difficulties.

“Investigations found no history of dog or other animal bites in this case. He had seven cats with five of them receiving anti-rabies vaccine from the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS), a day after experiencing the symptoms.

“All his cats are healthy and there is no change in behaviour. No animal has been found sick or dead within six months in the locality of the case’s house,” Noor Hisham said in a statement today.

The latest infection brought the total rabies cases in the state this year to five and the total accumulative number of rabies cases in Sarawak to 27 since the rabies outbreak was declared on July 1, 2017, he added. 

He said although the case could not be linked to the history of dog or animal bites, it was generally known that rabies infection is caused by bites from infected animals (rabid animals).

“Sarawak is still not rabies-free. Make sure that pets are given an anti-rabies vaccine," Noor Hisham advised. 

He also urged the public to seek immediate treatment at a nearby health clinic or hospital if bitten by an animal.

Those who are bitten by a dog or other animals must wash the affected body part with running water and soap for at least 15 minutes to remove the saliva, he added.

- Bernama 

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