
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, November 24, 2020

MPs question why Kitingan out of quarantine after Sabah trip


PARLIAMENT | Opposition lawmakers questioned why Jeffrey Kitingan (STAR-Keningau) was allowed to be in the Dewan Rakyat today, less than 14 days after he returned from Sabah.

They then accused the authorities of harbouring double standards after it was revealed that the Health Ministry had given him permission to attend today’s sitting.

Kitingan was later asked to leave the House as Parliament seeks further clarification from the ministry. 

Mohd Azis Jamman (Warisan-Sepanggar) arose this morning to question Kitingan’s presence when he had last been in Sabah on Nov 12

He pointed out that all Sabah MPs are required to undergo a mandatory two-week quarantine upon returning from the state. 

If Kitingan had begun his quarantine on Nov 12, the 14-day period would only expire on Wednesday, Nov 25.

Mohd Azis Jamman

After other MPs proposed Kitingan be ejected from the House pending an explanation, Deputy Speaker Azalina Othman Said read out a response from the Dewan Rakyat secretary on the matter.

“This is the answer from the Dewan Rakyat secretary, he (Kitingan) was allowed to attend (today’s sitting) by the parliament clinic doctor because he received a recare order from the Health Ministry after completing his quarantine,” she said.

Azalina later clarified to say Kitingan had received a “relief order” but did not elaborate.

This explanation led to shouts of “double standard” in the House.

Azis remarked that the exception was unfair when Sabah lawmakers like him had to adhere to it.

“It is unfair that Keningau is allowed to enter the House. This is also a security concern for us as MPs,” he said.

Azalina (photo) then urged all dissatisfied MPs to seek an explanation with Speaker Azhar Azizan Harun.

Despite being in the House during the back and forth, Kitingan did not arise to offer any explanation. 

Kitingan shares release form

Contacted by Malaysiakini, Kitingan shared a copy of his home quarantine release form.

Dated Nov 23, the Health Ministry said he was previously identified as a close contact of a Covid-19 case and was initially placed under a home surveillance order from Nov 12 to Nov 25.

“Following the assessment carried out by our ministry, your health status was found to be satisfactory. Therefore, you are given clearance from undergoing supervision and observation [...] starting from the date mentioned below (Nov 23),” it said.

The form was signed by a health officer from the Lembah Pantai health department.

Malaysiakini is seeking clarification from the Health Ministry over Kitingan’s exemption from the standard 14-day quarantine order applied to Sabah MPs.

Kitingan asked to leave

Later, Azis again arose to ask Azhar for an explanation over Kitingan’s attendance.

Azhar reiterated that Parliament was informed that the Keningau MP was released from home quarantine yesterday after testing negative for Covid-19. His home quarantine order identification wristband was also cut.

The speaker added that he had requested Kitingan to not attend sittings until further notice.

“Let me contact the authorities - the Lembah Pantai health department - to get more information [...]

“I followed the release order. I didn’t call into question the release order. I just followed what the ministry and the National Security Council gave to me,” he explained.

“I have asked the YB (Kitingan) to leave, to not attend (sittings),” Azhar added. - Mkini

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