
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, November 23, 2020

Why use handcuffs for mask offences?


Does wearing a mask on the chin justify the use of handcuffs? This is what happened to a young person after police officers caught him with his face mask on his chin. The reason for such excessive force is because he dared to question the officer who didn't take his comment lightly.

Naturally, the journalist in me was curious to find out what really transpired and why the young chap was treated like a criminal. Apparently, the officer asked if the young man had permission from the government before he pulled his mask down to which he retorted if he should call the government every time he eats as well.

The officer clearly mishandled this whole situation by handcuffing the chap because his ego was bruised. I can't think of anything other than that. Why should the public be afraid or bow down to police officers? Why this continuous fear? And why do police officers behave like they are demigods?

I was told the chap was brought in for questioning and subjected to a urine test. Now, this is just overzealousness.

The people in the area said there had been several thefts, but they have not seen any action taken or arrest made. However, the police have been very vigilant over those not wearing masks or those who have their masks on the chin since the movement control order started. Some have even said they were issued a compound when they had removed their masks to wipe off sweat. This is just ridiculous.

In this particular case, the person had his mask down because he had just eaten. The cops caught him off guard as he was checking his phone message. I have personally seen many cops while on breaks or under the scorching sun with their masks down.

To date, I have yet to see handcuffs on certain politicians who have been charged in court? Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin himself admitted that the Sabah by-election caused the third wave. Are the cops going to haul all of them in with handcuffs? Why is there one rule for the privileged and one rule for the common man?

Honestly, this overzealousness by authorities is getting to the point of harassment. Why is it one cannot question a police officer if you are subjected to an alleged crime? Or in this case about a mask. Why the sudden vigilance over people wearing masks?

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Ever since the movement control order came into place, it would seem that "controlling" people have been taken to another level. "Polis dan masyarakat berpisah tiada" at this rate we, the masyarakat, will not be separated because the handcuffs will bind us at the police stations.

On this note, I call upon the Home Ministry to check on this overzealousness by police officers because it is bordering on harassment. The conduct of police during this pandemic and the number of compounds issued should also be looked into as such excessive force is unnecessary.

I would also call upon Senior Minister (Security Cluster) Ismail Sabri Yaakob to come up with decisive standard operating procedures surrounding the wearing of face masks.

I mean as long as a person is wearing a mask, they should be let off with a warning if found to be worn improperly. People are already having a hard time, and it would be in the best interest of the government to appease to the public instead of making life difficult.

Remember the George Floyd movement impacted the US election with a surge of anti-police sentiment. Let's hope it doesn't come to that stage here. - Mkini

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor, Fazleena Aziz and do not necessarily represent the views of MMKtT.

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