
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, November 22, 2020

Will Muhyiddin Still Be Prime Minister Next Sunday?


One thing to remember is Umno did not try to save Najib and they isolated and ignored Rosmah. In fact, Umno did nothing on the 1MDB issue and it was only a month before GE14 when Arul Kanda Kandasamy did his roadshow to explain the 1MDB issue. By then it was too late to save Umno and Barisan Nasional.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The truth is, most of the 32 million Malaysians, or at least those 12,299,514 Malaysians who came out to vote in May 2018 (2,641,110 Malaysians stayed home and did not vote) no longer care who is the Prime Minister.

Just to digress a bit, Pakatan Harapan won 5,518,638 of the popular votes in May 2018. That comes to only 36.95% of the registered voters. That means 9,421,986 registered voters or 63.05% who are eligible to vote DID NOT vote for Pakatan Harapan.

Pakatan Harapan’s spin is they obtained the mandate of the people and won the majority (more than 50%) support of the people. That is a lie — but somehow Malaysians believe this mainly because Malaysians are too lazy to do research and find out for themselves what is the truth.

Anyway, as I said, most Malaysians no longer care who the Prime Minister is. Actually, back in 2015, they also did not care. The only thing they wanted is the Prime Minister must NOT be Najib Tun Razak and Rosmah Mansor.

Umno threw Najib and Rosmah under the bus and lost GE14 in May 2018

Yes, “Prime Ministers Najib Tun Razak and Rosmah Mansor”. That is the perception that many Malaysians had — which is Najib Tun Razak and Rosmah Mansor were JOINTLY in charge of running Malaysia.

And to a certain extent we have to thank the late Lee Kuan Yew for that.

Why the late Lee Kuan Yew? Because, before he died, Lee Kuan Yew visited Malaysia and he met up with BOTH Najib Tun Razak and Rosmah Mansor. And when the media asked him why he met up with BOTH Najib Tun Razak and Rosmah Mansor, Lee Kuan Yew replied because he heard that two people, a husband-and-wife team, were running Malaysia, and he wanted to meet the other person.

So, Lee Kuan Yew, the person who created DAP after Singapore broke away from Malaysia in 1965, planted in the minds of Malaysians that BOTH Najib Tun Razak and Rosmah Mansor are running Malaysia. Hence all they needed to do was to attack Rosmah to hurt the government.

And this is what they did. From 2015 to 2018, they attacked both Najib Tun Razak and Rosmah Mansor. So, by GE14 in May 2018, 5,518,638 or 36.95% of the registered voters wanted “joint-Prime Ministers” Najib Tun Razak and Rosmah Mansor out.

Najib’s people drove a wedge between Najib and Muhyiddin because they did not like the advise Muhyiddin gave Najib regarding 1MDB

That is the result of the success of the Pakatan Harapan propaganda campaign, helped by Lee Kuan Yew who named Najib Tun Razak and Rosmah Mansor as Malaysia’s “joint-Prime Ministers”.

By mid-2015, most Umno people regarded Najib Tun Razak and Rosmah Mansor as toxic. In fact, Rosmah was considered double the toxicity level of Najib. If they did not want to touch Najib with a 10-foot pole, as far as Rosmah was concerned, they would not touch her with a 100-foot pole.

So, actually, many Malaysians did not really want Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as Prime Minister or PM7. It was just a case of asal bukan Najib dan Rosmah. And if to kick Najib and Rosmah out meant you must kick Umno and Barisan Nasional out, then they will kick out Umno and Barisan Nasional just to get rid of Najib and Rosmah.

Many of those close to Najib told me this — that Najib is toxic for Umno and Barisan Nasional while Rosmah is 100 times more toxic. Some even said the only way Najib can save himself would be to divorce Rosmah.

This is not what I said. This is what those close to Najib said. And these people would rather keep their distance from Najib and not be in the same building with Rosmah, as they did not want to be sucked down to the bottom of the sea when Najib and Rosmah sink.

Today, Umno people blame Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin for allegedly betraying Najib. These Umno people say all sorts of nasty things about Muhyiddin and want to sabotage Budget 2021 so that Muhyiddin can be ousted.

In another few days Muhyiddin may remain as PM8 or Anwar Ibrahim may take over as PM9

Most Umno grassroots people do not know what really happened back in 2015. Only those at the top know. Those at the bottom are ignorant. Muhyiddin tried to talk to Najib to warn him that Umno was doomed, and unless something was done, Umno and Barisan Nasional are going to get wiped out in the next general election or GE14 in May 2018.

However, those close to Najib told him that Barisan Nasional was going to win at least 135 parliament seats and not just 90 or 95 as what Muhyiddin was saying. Muhyiddin was lying, they said.

In 1999, Barisan Nasional did quite badly when Anwar Ibrahim formed PKR and the Barisan Alternatif coalition. It was expected that in the following general election in 2004, Barisan Nasional was going to lose.

So, on 1st November 2003, Mahathir handed power to Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and, in the March 2004 general election four months later, Barisan Nasional performed the best ever in history.

Hence, it was suggested that since the attacks were specifically on Najib and Rosmah (meaning Najib and Rosmah were the two toxic components in Umno), if Najib were to hand power just before GE14 (say before the end of 2017) then Barisan Nasional will not lose the general election.

Instead, Muhyiddin was kicked out — so he had no choice but to form PPBM. Muhyiddin realised he could not save Malay political power within Umno, so he needed to form another Malay political bloc outside Umno.

Perikatan Nasional is about perpaduan ummah and Malay political power, not about who should be Prime Minister

One thing to remember is Umno did not try to save Najib and they isolated and ignored Rosmah. In fact, Umno did nothing on the 1MDB issue and it was only a month before GE14 when Arul Kanda Kandasamy did his roadshow to explain the 1MDB issue. By then it was too late to save Umno and Barisan Nasional.

PAS realised this. That was why after Umno got wiped out in GE14 in May 2018, they agreed to form Muafakat Nasional. In fact, PAS wanted to form Muafakat Nasional back in 2015, three years before GE14. And Najib also had agreed to it. But those in Najib’s inner circle did not agree to any alliance with PAS — so they sabotaged the effort to form Muafakat Nasional in 2015 and this cost them the election in 2018.

And that is also the reason why PAS has no problems with going to bed with Muhyiddin and PPBM. PAS wants BOTH Umno and PPBM in bed as Perikatan Nasional. Umno, however, is jealous of PPBM and wants to kick PPBM out of bed. That is the problem facing Perikatan Nasional — intense jealousy from Umno.

Anyway, only politicians who are hungry for power, position and wealth are quarrelling over who they want as Prime Minister. The rest of the 32 million Malaysians only want a decent living and to survive in this bad economy against the backdrop of the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic.

To most Malaysians, it is all about bread-and-butter issues. Pakatan Harapan ke. Barisan Nasional ke. Muafakat Nasional ke. Perikatan Nasional ke. Malaysians do not really care as long as they can have money in their pocket and food on the table. Hence politicians better take note before the people do something they may regret.

DAP’s Prime Minister-in-waiting Anwar Ibrahim


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