
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, September 23, 2022

Don't take us for fools, Ti!


Deputy Youth and Sports Minister Ti Lian Ker is a public relations disaster and someone who lives in cloud-cuckoo-land.

He claimed not to know why there was so much hate against politicians. Perhaps if Ti were to come down from his ivory tower, he would not be so clueless and out-of-touch with ordinary Malaysians.

People all over the world hate politicians because they believe them to be corrupt, self-serving individuals, whose main aim is to hang onto power, make easy money and most of the time, attempt to hide the truth.

Ti (above) fails to realise the enormity of the convicted felon Najib Abdul Razak's crimes. Najib didn't just steal from us. He robbed our children and grandchildren of a future and saddled the nation with a trillion ringgit debt.

Spending time in prison after committing a crime is intended to deprive the criminal of many liberties, which people outside of prison currently enjoy. Otherwise, where are the deterrent and the feeling of shame?

No one cares how fast Ti may have taken to climb the greasy pole to become the vice-president of MCA, but now, he has found a role that suits him to perfection;  to become the unofficial mouthpiece for Najib.

Convicted felon Najib Abdul Razak

First. He insulted decent law-abiding Malaysians with his curious choice of words. Torture. Suffer. Hate.

Second. He had our backs up with his silly remarks, but did he also have to criticise us for being angry that Najib was trying to wriggle his way out of staying in Kajang Prison? Kajang is Najib's home for the next 12 years. He can't feign illness every week to escape to the relatively plush surroundings of a hospital ward.

Third. Why did Ti single out the Malays and Muslims, and portray them as insensitive people who lacked compassion, just because they were furious with the convict, Najib, for stealing the rakyat's money? Talk about entitlement!

Fourth. Ti is most probably surrounded by sycophants and yes-men. To admit that he "did not understand why there was so much hate against politicians" just shows how often he mixes with ordinary people.

Fifth. Ti's remarks suggest that he does not think that it is important to punish people who have committed crimes. Punishment will act as a deterrent, amongst other things. However, Ti thinks that forgiveness will suffice. Perhaps, Ti would like to release all the white-collar criminals currently serving time.

Sixth. If the likes of Ti are the best that MCA has to offer Malaysia, then the party really is doomed and the country is even worse off.

A man's choice of words, especially someone who holds an important position in an organisation, can reveal a lot about him.

Billions of ringgit vanished…

Billions of ringgit of taxpayers' money vanished. The money was not swallowed by a black hole in the universe. Najib stole it. Despite being charged and sentenced, Najib has shown no remorse because he thinks he is innocent.

Ti does not seem to understand why people are punished for doing wrong. Punishment will include retribution, deterrence, rehabilitation and most importantly, it will protect society from the offender.

He mentioned the Islamic spirit of forgiveness. How do you forgive someone who will not admit that he had committed a crime? Would Ti forgive someone if that person were to steal all his money? Or will Ti change his mind, only when he is the victim?

Would Ti care to tell us the Islamic view about leaders who steal? Does Ti condone corruption and theft? Punishment is important, but so is asset recovery. Does Ti have a view on why we must recover all the money Najib stole?  

No one has said that Najib should be tortured, so why mention it? When Najib stole from the rakyat, he deprived Malaysians of much-needed funds to improve their lives.

Instead, we are saddled with debt, due to Najib's actions. MCA should have spoken out about Najib's theft when it was first highlighted, many years ago.

However, MCA chose to remain quiet. The clueless Ti may not have been aware, but perhaps, he just doesn't care. The funds which Najib stole from the people, could have been used to fund and improve public services.

Murdered Mongolian model Altantuya Shaarriibuu

For decades, Najib lied to us. When he was the minister of defence, he claimed that he did not know Altantuya Shaarriibuu, the Mongolian model who died a violent death. She demanded payment which Najib and his trusted aide, Abdul Razak Baginda, had promised her for translating some documents in the Scorpene submarine deal. Her persistence sealed her fate.

As prime minister, Najib lied about 1MDB, and lied about money from SRC International being deposited into his personal bank account.

Today, the lying has continued.

As Kajang's latest high-profile inmate, Najib now lies about the true state of his health.

Isn't it amazing that whilst he was crisscrossing the world on private jets, he spent hours playing golf with at least one American president, shopped with his spouse Rosmah Mansor and cruised on luxury yachts in the South of France?

During this intense period of travel, and later during numerous local by-elections, no one heard any complaints from Najib about sickness, or about him feeling fatigued from so much activity.

If Ti is stupid enough to support Najib's criminal acts, then he and MCA deserve to be voted out of office in GE-15. - Mkini

MARIAM MOKHTAR is a defender of the truth, the admiral-general of the Green Bean Army, and president of the Perak Liberation Organisation (PLO). Blog, Twitter.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of MMKtT.

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