
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Nur Jazlan wants PAS to name names as it insists secret talks were held with Umno


KUALA LUMPUR: PAS should provide the names of those involved in negotiations with Umno to keep the Muafakat Nasional pact going, says Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed.

The Johor Umno deputy chief said it was surprising to hear PAS president Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang's claim that the door has not been closed on the collaboration.

He also questioned how these "talks" could be going on without the involvement of Umno president Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

"I was surprised that such a major negotiation does not involve the number one person in Umno and that it is going on without the party's knowledge.

"I have not received any information about Muafakat talks with PAS and believe the majority of Umno leaders and grassroots members have not been informed either," he said in a statement on social media on Wednesday (Sept 7).

"We have all complied with the general assembly decision on cooperation with Perikatan Nasional," he added.

At the 68th PAS muktamar (general assembly) this past weekend, the party declared that the Muafakat pact – made in 2019 between the Islamist party and Umno – was still intact and might feature in the upcoming 15th General Election (GE15).

PAS spiritual leader Hashim had also confirmed to news portal FreeMalaysiaToday on Wednesday (Sept 7) that there had been secret negotiations between the Islamist party and certain Umno leaders to ensure straight fights against Pakatan Harapan in the 15th General Election.

He said PAS was tryng to drive home the point that the Opposition coalition was the enemy, not Bersatu.

Nur Jazlan said if it is true that there are negotiations between PAS and Umno without the knowledge of Ahmad Zahid and the party leadership, then those talks are being conducted by the back door.

"(This) cannot be approved by the leadership and grassroots members of the party.

"I urge him (Abdul Hadi) not to make up stories that can be slanderous to Umno leaders.

"If he still (sticks to) his story about Muafakat negotiations, I challenge him to reveal the names of the Umno leaders involved.

"He should provide facts and not just make claims," he said.

Nur Jazlan said the Umno leadership had clearly rejected cooperation with PAS.

"Umno has moved on and will go solo in GE15 (with Barisan Nasional)," he said.

Nur Jazlan also refuted Abdul Hadi's comments that the decision to end talks on cooperation was Ahmad Zahid's alone and not Umno's position.

"I would like to remind him that... the decision of the party was made democratically," he said.

On Sunday (Sept 4) Abdul Hadi said it was only Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s opinion that Muafakat was done.

Despite Umno’s absence from the muktamar, he said, the Islamist party believed that Muafakat was still standing and that there were discussions between the two at grassroots level nationwide.

“There’s a possibility PAS will work with Umno in GE15. Politics is dynamic... and (such cooperation) can happen," Abdul Hadi told the media.

He also said PAS had invited Umno leaders to its assembly but received no response.

Ties between PAS and Umno became strained when PAS chose to align with Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) under the Perikatan Nasional coalition during the Melaka and Johor state polls and contested against Barisan Nasional, led by Umno.

PAS signed the Muafakat Nasional pact with Umno to go against Pakatan Harapan, then the ruling coalition, in 2019.

The party also joined Perikatan in 2020 to form the government after Bersatu left Pakatan following the Sheraton Move, which saw Pakatan losing Putrajaya. - Star

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