
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, September 7, 2022

‘Over 80pct of bribe-givers are non-Malays,’ PAS member cites ‘survey’


A PAS central committee member has claimed that a majority of those who were found guilty of giving bribes between 2010 and 2014 were non-Malays.

Mohd Zuhdi Marsuki (above), in defence of PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang for his alleged remarks on non-Muslim being the major cause of corruption, based this on a survey by a “local university” conducted from 2010 to 2014.

He, however, did not specify which survey he was referring to.

In an article published in Harakah Daily yesterday, Zuhdi alleged that 88 percent of 449 individuals convicted of bribery are non-Malays - with 57.46 percent being Chinese, 30.51 percent Indian and Malays at 12.03 percent.

The same study, he claimed, also showed that Malays were the majority when it comes to receiving bribes.

“The findings from the study also mentioned that one of the main factors for bribes is that they want to escape punishment either in the form of fines or imprisonment.

“Another factor driving the bribery is because they want to get priority in a decision by government agencies such as related to procurement tenders and the like,” he said.

On Sept 1, Zuhdi accused Pakatan Harapan of surrounding themselves with those involved in the "sin industry" and "black economy" - who tend to engage in corruption.

In another Harakah Daily report, Zuhdi also claimed that those in these two areas of the economy sought the protection of "non-bumiputera political parties" to keep their ill-gotten gains.

Zuhdi's remark was a response to criticisms against an earlier article by Hadi, where he accused the non-bumiputera of being "the majority of bribe-givers".

This has led to numerous police reports being lodged against the PAS president.

Hadi is currently being investigated under Section 505(C) of the Penal Code for allegedly causing public mischief and incitement, as well as Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 2008 for abuse of network services. - Mkini

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