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Sunday, September 18, 2022

Swedish newspaper publishes leaked U.S. secret plan to destroy German economy

 Please recall that when the Ukraine War started in February 2022 I wrote in this blog that the real target was Germany. 

Do read the following report that was published in the Swedish newspaper Nya Dagbladet just a few days ago. It says exactly the same things but in greater detail.  

Europe's first newspaper the Swedish Nya Dagbladet published U.S. classified plans to crush the European economy with a war in Ukraine and an induced energy crisis.

In what appears to be an exceptional internal leak from the close-to-government think tank RAND Corporation, a detailed account is given of how the United States planned the energy crisis in Europe.

The document, dated January 2022, acknowledges that the aggressive foreign policy pursued in Ukraine will pressure Russia into having to intervene militarily in the country.

The purpose, they explain, is to introduce a sanctions package that has been prepared for a long time.

The E.U.’s economy, it states, “will inevitably collapse” as a result of this – and up to 9,000 billion dollars can flow to the United States

Their main goal is to divide Europe – especially Germany and Russia – and destroy the European economy by getting ‘useful idiots’ in politics to stop Russian energy supplies to the continent.

  • On Sept. 14, RAND sent out a press release claiming the document was a fake.
  • However, this is not a convincing argument because the document is classified.
  • RAND cannot confirm its authenticity as long as it is classified.



Some excerpts from the RAND document:

U.S. economy cannot function without external financial and material support 

quantitative easing in recent years, uncontrolled cash issue during 2020-2021 Covid lockdowns, led to sharp increase in external debt, increase in dollar supply.

urgent need for resources to flow into US economy, especially banking system.

Only European countries can provide them without significant costs for U.S.

The biggest obstacle is growing independence of Germany.

Brexit given Germany greater autonomy 

more difficult for U.S. to influence European governments

If Germany and France cooperate, will become economic, political competitor to US

critical goal is to destroy cooperation between Germany, Russia, France

seen as most significant economic, political threat to US

additional factor contributing to Germany’s economic independence is Brexit

With Brexit, U.S. has lost opportunity to influence EU decisions

If U.S. abandons Europe then Germany, France will get complete political consensus

Then Italy, Old Europe countries will join 

Britain will not be able to resist Franco-German duo

eventually turn Europe into economic, political competitor to US

increased resource flow from Europe to U.S. if Germany faces economic crisis

EU economic development depends on German economy

U.S. blocked commissioning of Nord Stream 2 pipeline

involve Germany in the military conflict in Ukraine.

inevitably lead to a military response from Russia

prerequisite for Germany to fall into trap is role of green parties in Europe

German Greens intensely dogmatic, zealous movement 

easy to make them ignore economic arguments

reduction in Russian energy supplies disastrous for German industry

Lockdowns in industries will cause shortages of components, parts for manufacturing

breakdown of logistic chains, eventually a domino effect.

consequences will last several years, total loss could reach 200 - 300 billion euros.

devastating blow to German economy, entire E.U. will inevitably collapse

RAND plans sustained recession, decline in GDP by 3%-4% pa for 5 to 6 years

sharp drop in living standards, rising unemployment (200k-400k in Germany)

Read the article from Swedish New Dagbladet here.


My Comments : The flow of money from Europe to the US has already begun. Since March 2022 American exports of gas to Europe have reached 70% of their total.  The volume has reached 30 BILLION cubic meters so far. Wall Street is making money. 

The real end game is to tame Germany which has become the de facto leader of Europe. As an example if Germany changes the time table for its trains, almost the entire Europe must follow suit because their railway tracks are all connected, Germany occupies a central position and the volume of trade coming out of Germany is huge.

It is not just the US which is behind this plot but the real rascal is the UK which fears losing influence in Europe to France and Germany.  Plus the UK is also breaking up with Scotland and Northern Ireland wanting to secede from the UK.  

They have been doing this for a very long time. 

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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