
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, February 18, 2023


We had the economy fellow saying dunggu things like eat less chicken, price elasticity of eggs and chicken which are price-controlled items and the latest (not reported in the media) is th suggestion that we tanam our own jagung - to make our own animal feed. 

The Madani fellow appointed himself to finance after telling the voters otherwise. Then he appointed his daughter to work for him, despite telling the voters otherwise. He appointed a fellow with 47 criminal charge as his Tonto, despite telling voters otherwise. He has begun frequenting foreign capitals again, maybe to get away from having to read too many files. And the latest is he has pledged money, including GLC money - amounting to over RM50 million to his personal friend the Caliph of Istanbuli. For a change how about bringing in some foreign investments from all those foreign capitals?  Buang minyak, buang tambang tiket, buang sewa hotel saja pi mai pi mai ke sana ke sini tapi foreign investment tak mai pun? FDI berpuluh juta Ringgit itu pegawai MITI Gred 48 boleh buat. But where are the multi-billion Ringgit FDI? Caliph of Istanbuli got no money ke?

But today the news is buzzing with another star performance by the minister in charge of education. 

To save some sauce here is Malaysiakini (I have truncated and edited some):

YOURSAY | Minister’s remarks on education merely ‘syiok sendiri’

YOURSAY | ‘Is it a political statement or is she just dreaming?’

Minister: Education curriculum on par with Singapore, Japan

BOBBYO: When ministers prefer to bury their heads in the sand nation is doom

Why doom? main pillar holding this nation will be education

Take this away, we will have compromised doctors, lawyers, engineers, ministers

Instead of saying room for improvement, Minister say we are on par with Spore, Japan

syiok sendiri statement, to satisfy certain quarters. Or just dreaming?

Wake up, minister. we expect PH leaders to correct all that is wrong 

Sad to say, Madani man is seriously disappointing

education girl really deserves the whole rotten log

educationists concerned with quality of education 

condition of schools, syllabus needs revamp

We are very far from Singapore and Japan

govt schools being abused mentally with third-grade educational studies

Madani, do something about it. 

If you dont  then prepare to pay a hefty price 

Vijay47:   in PISA rankings Malaysia does not even feature in Top 40 or 50.

Apanama is back: Education girl do you know what happened after Malaysia’s dropped from Pisa rankings? This is the ministry did.

Ministry rushed to to syllabus tougher and improve Pisa ranking.

they decided to change the syllabus a few years ago to make it harder.

Teachers told the move was because of the Pisa ranking,” said one teacher.

ministry gradually upgraded Maths and Science Year 5 syllabus to be used for Year 4, Year 6 became that of Year 5 and the Form 1 syllabus was taught to Year 6 students.

Another teacher said textbooks were also changed and many students struggled to adapt, especially when it also coincided with the Covid-19 pandemic. This impacted the teaching and learning in schools over the last two years.

“Our assessment showed at least four to five students in each class obtaining the lowest bands in each of the subjects, which is not good.”

The teacher said they have given their feedback to their school heads who are supposed to have conveyed it to the state authorities.

“We really hope they do so as the problem is a serious one. It’s the teachers on the ground who are struggling.”

One teacher alleged that there were instances where certain headmasters had even advised teachers to avoid giving students the lowest band in their assessment so that the school would not have to submit a report to the state education department.

Under current practice, the students are given Band 1 to Band 6 in their annual evaluation. Bands 1 and 2 are the lowest, which classify the students as not having acquired the minimum academic requirement in the subjects.

“This is totally unacceptable as it leads to the lowering of standards, which is happening now,” the teacher added.

Education girl, did you find out how many schools had lowered their standard to send “good to see” and “nice to read” reports?

You may have been fed the wrong information. This is just one example only. There are many I could quote. You may pengsan (faint) if I did so.

The above is a selection of comments posted by Malaysiakini subscribers. Only paying subscribers can post comments. 

These comments are compiled to reflect the views of Malaysiakini subscribers on matters of public interest. Malaysiakini does not intend to represent these views as fact.

My Comments : 

I have yet to hear the education girl speak English. 

But here is a simple test which even she can understand. If our education syllabus is the same as Singapore and Japan why are we NOT LIKE Singapore and Japan? 

Some recent survey says over 70% of our SPM graduates want to become food delivery boys (gig economy) and social media influencers. In other words unemployed. 

Do you think it is the same in Singapore and Japan?

And if our education syllabus is the same as Japan and Singapore then why not Malaysia rejoin the PISA assessments again (for Science and Mathematics)? 

Cakap besar, kononnya syllabus kita sama dengan Jepun dan Singapura. Tapi takut juga nak masuk balik PISA. Takut fail lagi.

I dont think the education girl will understand this discussion all too well. Neither will her officers.

They will just bungle along.

Say what you want but we had some really great and capable Ministers in the past. As Minister of Works the late Samy Velu completed the highway projects and the KLIA. As Minister of Energy and Telecoms he strung up the mobile telephone networks and ushered in the IPPs (which gave us quality, uninterrupted power for so long). Everything was achieved smoothly and done on time.

The late Lim Keng Yaik developed and defended all our commodity industries including fighting off the anti-palm oil, anti-rubber, anti-timber and anti everything crooks  from the West. Tan Sri Lim Keng Yaik did a fantastic job. 

Tun Ali Rustam did a fantastic job of making Melaka what it is today. 13 years ago in 2010 Melaka became the first "OECD benchmark" State in Malaysia. OECD benchmark means Melaka had achieved development goals similar to OECD countries (Europe, North America etc). A really fantastic achievement.

Whether you liked them or not in their jobs those Ministers were professionals. And intelligent.

Today we have these gigi senget and offspring of "god knows best" dunggus who are just that - dunggus. 

We are doomed.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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