
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

At 11th hour, Islamic Uni shies away from discussion on democracy

At 11th hour, Islamic Uni shies away from discussion on democracy
"Faith, Reason and Democracy in Islam" - while it is not hard to imagine that this may well be a topic meant for the ivory tower, it has not stopped unseen gatekeepers at the International Islamic University from cancelling such an academic discussion.

The closed-door session, to be held at the university's Senate Room strictly for academicians, is jointly organised by local Muslim group Islamic Renaissance Front and think-tank Penang Institute, in cooperation with the university's International Institute for Muslim Unity.

It was to feature Mohsen Kadivar, a renowned Iranian philosopher and frequent critic of the Iranian government, who is currently visiting professor at the prestigious Duke University in North Carolina, US.

But today, IRF director Dr Ahmad Farouk Musa was left shocked when told that "higher authorities" had cancelled the programme.

"When the programme was cancelled this morning by the higher authorities in the university, it only shows that the university has failed in inculcating values of learning and respecting differing views and opinions, of accepting the existence of difference and true diversity.

"How could there be progress when there are no differing or dissenting views, a narrative different from the predominantly mundane ideas," the vocal medical lecturer-cum-activist told Harakahdaily.

Farouk (left) further pointed out that a university should have the courage to host a peaceful battle of ideas.

"There should not only be one voice that monopolises the truth. The real challenge is to be able to be inclusive and tolerate differing views no matter where they came from," he stressed.

It is not the first time IIUM - set up in 1983 and financed by eight governments including that of Saudi Arabia - has cancelled programmes it deems to be controversial. In 2011, varsity authorities forced its own panelist into a forum on 'Islamic feminism' held at its International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC).

Meanwhile, questions will be asked on the reason behind the latest cancellation, including whether it had to do with Kadivar's background as a scholar steeped in philosophical tradition. This field of Islamic science has no place within the university's monolithic view of Islamic scholarship, as shown by the decision to dismantle its Department of Philosophy in the 1990s. Likewise, Kadivar's Shi'ite background could also be another reason, especially against a backdrop of the current campaign spearheaded by the Wahhabi lobby.
- harakah.net.my

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