
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, August 26, 2013

IT'S EASY to find Altantuya killers : A close knit group, not endless possibilities at all!

IT'S EASY to find Altantuya killers : A close knit group, not endless possibilities at all!
KUALA LUMPUR - Although the Appeals Court judges did not give many details for their decision to acquit the Altantuya killers except to say that there had been serious misdirection by the lower court, there is little doubt the most glaring flaw was why did they fail to order a retrial, and instead so 'kindly' dished out an acquittal - which would mean the killers can never be charged again for the same crime?
This is why apart from the public outcry, there is a lot of unease in the legal fraternity. To almost everyone in the country, it is like the powers that be are trying to shield Prime Minister Najib Razak and his wife Rosmah Mansor.
And to add salt to the country's wound, these ruthless 'invisible hands' are once again using the nation's court system to get themselves and their cronies out of a sticky situation. It is beyond shocking, how could they?
Silence and responsibility to the nation
It is also most unfortunate that the first couple have not dared to utter a word so far despite the public outrage. Both have been implicated and have made denials in the past when accused of involvement in the murder. Now that their ex-bodyguards Azilah Hadri and Sirul Umar Azhar have been freed of their death sentences for killing Altantuya, how can Najib and Rosmah pretend it doesn't involve them and continue to stay silent?
Yes, the Umno-controlled newspapers are trying to whitewash the acquittal, saying that it was the right decision. But how can that be when Sirul, a former corporal, had admitted killing Altantuya and even said he did so because he had been paid? Obviously since Najib is the Umno president, Utusan, Berita Harian and even the NST might bend over backwards to find excuses for Sirul and Azilah.
But what are about the learned 3-member Appellate panel? What is their excuse? Where is their sense of national responsibility? Do they not think it is important for national integrity to get to the bottom of Altantuya's missing Immigration record? Surely, if there was any confusion, a retrial is the only solution. How can they straightaway jump to an acquittal?
Justice not seen to be done
This is why there is so much outrage. As the maxim goes, justice must not only be done but be seen to be done.  It is no wonder that people have considered our courts as 'Kangaroo Courts'.
In the 5 years since Najib took over the leadership of the country, the slide in Malaysia's judicial integrity has never been greater. It began with the Perak crisis, which forced the Malaysian top courts to become a standing joke with the international legal academia for twisting our own Federal Constitution like a rubber belt just so that Najib and Umno could retain control of the state.
Then, Malaysians were forced to go through with Najib's Sodomy II case against Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, the acquittal of Najib's close friend Razak Baginda who was also accused of murdering Altantuya, the completely inadequate sentences levied against the Datuk T trio who practically compelled the nation to watch pornography together.
Now after the Altantuya acquittal, the next battering to the Malaysian judicial system will no doubt be the government's appeal against Anwar's Sodomy II acquittal. There is no end in sight for so long as Najib is scandal-tainted and is willing to use the courts to achieve his political objectives.
Many say the deterioration in our justice system began with the Lingam tape case when cronies of former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad were filmed trying to fix the outcome of certain court cases. Of course, no action was taken against any of the cronies or Mahathir himself despite a Royal Commission of Inquiry finding them guilty.
This is why to public eyes, Malaysian judges can be bought and easily. The integrity of our courts has deteriorated so much and with UMNO still in power it could be lost forever.
Cover-up confirms Najib's guilt?
Now, one of the 'spin' going round the Umno blogs is that no man should be hung for murder if there was still any shred of doubt. That goes without saying.
But - and especially given the Sirul admission of guilt - the scenario and main question remains the same. Why not a retrial? This is the biggest black mark and it will take a long while before Malaysian courts can hope to to recover any respectability after such a debacle.
For Najib, he doesn't care. He only wants to save his own skin.
Looking at the case from all directions, it is hard to refute that Najib is behind the charades because he is central to the entire Scorpene-Altantuya scandal. Being accused of connection to such a diabolical corruption cum murder case is definitely bad for a person holding the highest office in the country.
This is why Najib must step down immediately. Umno should demand his resignation. Otherwise, Umno will be ridiculed and teased as a party of murderers and thieves.
The situation is like the MCA and why Chua Soi Lek must step as president. Soi Lek has not been able to shake off the scandal of his sex video. It is not because his enemies are more successful at capitalizing on the video but Soi Lek's own achievements have not been able to make the people forget about his past and focus on his contributions to the party and country instead.
Same goes for Najib. His moral and corruption-tainted baggage is his own greatest enemies. His 'crime' is now compounded a thousand-fold. He is now perceived as trying to cover up murder by using the courts. If before he was accused of involvement, he is now perceived as confirming his own guilt. It is a great shame.
Scapegoats and murderers
Imagine, not only in Malaysia but everywhere in the world that he goes to, people will look at him and think of all the Altantuya-Scorpene accusations against him and his wife. The couple may be thick-skinned enough not to bother. But the greatest damage is to our country's name and the fatal blow is to our judiciary.
Some say that both Azilah and Sirul are mere scapegoats, and were used as a buffer to protect the person or persons who gave the order to kill. Therefore by acquitting Azilah and Sirul, surely those behind and protected by the buffer cannot be implicated. We will never know without a retrial and maybe this is why an acquittal was so 'kindly' granted by the Appeals court.
Yet scapegoats or not, Azilah and Sirul would still be guilty of murder going by the trial findings. It is just that they are not the only ones. Those who ordered them to pull the trigger are also just as guilty and must be also be brought to justice.
An order to 'do what is necessary'?
The 'chain of command' in the Altantuya killing could be quite long and involve the many Najib aides involved in the case including his aide-de-camp Musa Safri, political secretary Nasir Saffar or even Razak Baginda.
For example, if Najib was the one who gave the instructions, he may not have given the order explicitly. He may have just said, “Do whatever is necessary” and one of his overzealous people could be the ones to actually tell Azilah and Sirul to “kill Altantuya and make sure no traces of her corpse can be found."
Dramatic? Sure. But also heinous, cruel and pure murder.
Murderers including those who gave the order to kill can be easily found
And it is NOT difficult to find out who actually gave the order! That's right - it is NOT difficult to find out who gave the order to kill Altantuya at all.
There are no 'endless possibilities' here at all. All that is needed is to ensure there is NO political interference in the police investigation and the court system.
The reason is because those involved are close knit. The murder had to be kept as secret as possible and known only within a select clique.
This is why among those that bookies would call for bets on would include Najib, Rosmah, Musa Safri, Abdul Aziz Buyong, Norhayati Hassan, Razak Baginda, Azilah and Sirul. Of course, a really thorough and neutral police probe could yield more names, but it won't be many more.
So ask any statistician, and he or she will tell you that "This ain’t endless possibilities at all!”
Malaysia Chronicle

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