
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, August 10, 2013

Malays Failed Because Umno Failed Them

Barisan Nasional (BN) chairman and Umno president Najib Razak has openly admitted recently that it was difficult to "reform" Umno and shed off its racist and extremist characteristics. Selangor Umno state liaison committee chairman Noh Omar had even supported his party boss' statement by saying that the Malay community still needs help and the only way is to maintain its thicken race-based policies.

So, Umno has been running this country for about 56 years now, and Umno leaders are now saying that in 56 years of their rule, the Malay community which they claim to represent still lacks behind, are even poorer and still needs help today.

Then, where on earth is the validity of Umno and its leaders to claim that they are the champions of the Malay community? In fact, they are not fit at all to claim themselves and the political party they are in being Malay or Islam. Umno do not possess the values of the Malays and Islam at all. Totally none at all. Umno has indeed failed the Malays and Islam entirely.

The Malays and Islam are under threat. This is what Umno leaders has been yelling and shouting at since in the early of 2007 until today. Why the Malays and Islam are under threat, when Umno is still the dominant ruling party in this country? Are PKR or PAS running this country? Is DAP running this country? No, it is still Umno who is still running this country like their own property, to be more detail, like their personal property.

Umno introduced the New Economic Policy (NEP) in aftermath of their engineered 13 May incident in 1969 in order to rescue the Malay community from being particularly "sidelined" in terms of socio-economy, political and education. And yet the Malay community is still lacking so far behind today, majority are becoming even poorer and left behind in terms of education. Instead, a new group emerged from within the Malay community, which known as the "Bangsawan Melayu".

In 56 years of Umno's rule, the Malay community still needs help, because they are still lacking behind so much in all sectors that they are involved with, they are being "bullied" by the other communities, Islam has been compromised, even when, until today, the NEP is still being enforced, the special rights of the Malays are still being enforced under the Federal Constitution and worst of all Umno is still the governing party of this country, of which the control is even tighter then before.

So, with Umno still being an overlord and the most powerful in this country, by right the Malay community should have been "enjoying" their lives right now, Islam should have been flourishing all over the country with the other races too considering to "embrace" it. But why on earth with Umno is still the ultimate ruler, the Malay community and Islam are under constant threat today, like what has been claimed by many Umno leaders? Why only a tiny segment of Malays got rich and even wealthier, only to separate itself from the Malay majority to emerged itself as the "Bangsawan Melayu" (The Elite Malays), while the ordinary Malays became far more worst then ever?

Then did Umno really champion the rights of the Malays and Islam in particular? Did Umno really use the NEP for the betterment of all the Malays and to make Islam a religion with better standing in the eyes of the other communities? Why in 56 years of Umno's rule, the Malays still cannot enjoy whatever they should gain in their "special rights" positions and Islam being the official religion of this country? Why in 56 years of Umno's rule, Islam is being compromised? And now the Malays and Islam are under threat despite Umno still being the overlord and all powerful in this country. Funny, isn't it so?

Let us put forward this critical question again. Why is the Malays still lacking so far behind? Why the Malays are still needing the help? Why do the Malays still need all those race-based policies to protect them from being threatened by the well-being and the development of the other communities or minorities? Remember, Umno is still the government of the day and they are still all powerful until today. Why are the Malays and Islam are still under threat when Umno is still running this country?

It is very simple, Umno is running this country like a personal property of theirs. They only enrich their cronies and supporters, they misused the NEP entirely in order to create an elite segment of their own, they betrayed the Malays and Islam entirely. If Umno leaders are denying such, then ask them, why are the Malays still lacking for 56 years now, when Umno is still running the country? Even worst now, Islam is under threat. Umno must explain why are all these happening to the Malays when they are still running the country. It is not PKR, PAS or DAP who are running this country. Until today, it is still Umno, the prime minister is still from Umno, and now the majority of the cabinet ministers are from Umno. Umno is all powerful and dominant. The BN coalition is nothing but just an empty gesture merely for decoration.

The Malays failed because Umno deliberately failed them in order to stay in power. That's the only reason they have now. None of us should believe they are the champions of the Malays and Islam anymore because they have been mere liars for 56 years of their rule and dominance.

Now, coming back to politics, it is not the Malays or Islam who are under threat. It is actually, only Umno who felt threatened, because they fear of losing their power and governance.

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