
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, August 23, 2013

Malays to CLOSE AN EYE to Altantuya acquittal? Major whitewash for Najib, Umno

Malays to CLOSE AN EYE to Altantuya acquittal? Major whitewash for Najib, Umno
KUALA LUMPUR - It looks like a major whitewash is on the way, with the government-controlled media out to paint the acquittal of two former bodyguards of Prime Minister Najib Razak as some form of divine intervention that came about because the duo had prayed hard for their release.
Using a strong Muslim brush to depict how the two men, who have spent 7 years behind bars, were finally granted their wish on Friday, it looks like Najib's supporters are trying influence Malaysians, especially the Malays, into thinking that it is OK to forgive former chief inspector Azilah Hadri and ex-corporal Sirul Umar. In fact, it is what should be done as the pair are also part of the Malay community.
No a line is spared on the Mongolian victim, who was deprived of life at the prime of her youth. Altantuya Shaariibuu was only 28 when she was shot in the head twice and her body blown up with C4 explosives by Azilah and Sirul.
Such is now the level of intellectualism and morality that some say the Malays in Malaysia are being shepherded towards by the politicians in power and also by the religious authorities who owe their appointments to Najib's Umno party.
It is as though being Malay, Muslim and pro-Umno will be sufficient protection against whatever harm that may loom ahead, including just punishment for a crime as serious as murder.
7 years is enough for two cold-blooded killers?
Hence, few are surprised at the rapid deterioration of standards in the country and can only shake their heads in wonder at the surreal situations that keep cropping up such as threatening a 15-year jail sentence on two immature non-Malay youngsters for posting a silly Ramadan greeting on their Facebook page while lauding the end of a 7-year detention slapped on two cold-blooded killers as being 'sufficient' punishment.
Against such a backdrop, it would be hard to fault critics for blaming the recent turn of events and the ensuing morality confusion in Malaysia on Najib and his wife Rosmah Mansor, both of whom have been accused of ordering the murder through third parties.
The Opposition and the general public might be outraged and propose all sorts of retaliatory action but let's face it.
If Najib and Umno can be so bold as to swing such a controversial acquittal, what chances of success can calls for public inquiries or court summonses have?
Media rehabilitation for the killers, political cleansing for Najib and Rosmah
For example even if DAP chairman Karpal Singh, who is also a prominent lawyer acting for Altantuya's family, succeeds in getting Najib and his aide-de-camp Musa Safri to appear in court to answer questions on their roles in the Altantuya murder, would it not be another fairy tale ending to expect the court to punish, let alone reprimand the duo?
No surprise then that on Friday, national news agency Bernama led the mainstream media coverage with an exclusive it obtained with Azilah and how he had wished and prayed for his acquittal.
Thus begins the media rehabilitation of two of Malaysia's most infamous killers, and along with that the political cleansing of Najib's much tarnished record, purging from it any elements of murder. And also from that of his equally controversial wife, Rosmah Mansor's.
I wish to be home - Azilah; I am grateful to Allah - Sirul
Bernama - Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri's wish to live a normal life outside the prison walls after being remanded for seven years, finally came true today after the Court of Appeal disharged and acquitted him of the charge of murdering Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu.
Azilah, 37, who was met by Bernama before the court gave the verdict said physically, he had not changed since he was charged but spiritually he felt "too small" and wished to be home now.
Azilah, who was accompanied by prison officers during the court proceeding, appeared to be surprised when the decision of the three-member panel led by Court of Appeal judge Datuk Seri Mohd Apandi Ali, was read out.
Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar, who was jointly charged with Azilah, however managed to utter, "Thank you, Your Honour," before both were taken out of the dock.
Outside the courtroom, Azilah, his voice shaking, said he was grateful to Allah as his prayers had been answered. "I am still nervous," he said.
"I need to go back to Kajang Prison to thank those who had taken care of me there...they took good care of me. I want to perform my Friday prayers and sort out other matters after that," he added.
Shawal this time is beautiful
In 2009, the Shah Alam High Court convicted and sentenced to death Azilah and Sirul Azhar, who were from the police special action unit, for murdering Altantuya, 28, in Mukim Bukit Raja, Shah Alam between 10pm on Oct 19 and 1am on Oct 20, 2006.
Azilah's fiancee Nor Azila Baharuddin, 35, was seen to be in tears upon hearing the Court of Appeal's decision.
She said Allah had answered hers and their families' prayers for Azilah to be freed one day.
Nor Azila said they got engaged in 2006 and since Azilah faced the murder charge the same year, she never gave up and visited him in prison once a week.
"I was trembling upon hearing the court's decision. I couldn't believe it at first, but I am really happy as this is the moment I have been waiting for. Shawal this time is beautiful," she added.
Grateful to Allah
Since they were charged and on trial, Azilah and Sirul Azhar had always covered their faces when they were outside the court and only removed the cloth covering their faces when inside the courtroom.
Usually, Sirul Azhar appeared serious and preferred to be alone for much of the time, compared with Azilah who was friendly and chatty with the people around him.
However, after the court's decision today, Sirul Azhar's mood changed and he was seen smiling at his family members who sat behind him.
Approached by Bernama before he and Azilah were brought back to the prison for the release process, Sirul Azhar showed a friendly side and expressed his gratefulness for the outcome of the case.
"I am grateful to Allah that everything is over now. I thank my lawyers who defended me and also my family, especially my mother, who never stopped praying for me. I intend to continue leading a normal life after this," he said.
His 13-year-old son was visibly delighted with the father's release. The teenager who was accompanied by two family members, managed to tell his father how much be missed him.
Sirul Azhar's uncle, Mustapha Samat from Ipoh, said since his nephew was charged with murder, he managed to attend the court hearing three times and that he had kept praying that the former would be freed.
Mustapha, who arrived in Kuala Lumpur yesterday, was seen contacting his other family members to inform them of the court's decision. - Bernama

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