
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Stink bombs & pie-in-the-face for DEPUTY MINISTER Waytha: ALL WELL DESERVED!

Stink bombs & pie-in-the-face for DEPUTY MINISTER Waytha: ALL WELL DESERVED!
The Home Minister had asked the Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, YB P. Waythamoorty to resign.
Hot on those insulting heels now comes along another sting – this time from the Defense Minister, YB Hishammudin.
“As a member of the cabinet, we cannot place our self interest over our collective interest” warned the Defense Minister, a one-upon-a-time Home Minister too.
Wow! What do these sting and stink pies on the face of YB P. Waythamoorthy tell us really? There are lessons for all from both sides of the political divide.
Be sincere
To begin with, Waythamorrthy should have listened to the voice of the rakyat. He should have been more humble to appreciate the cautious calls by concerned individuals and the mass pleas from his followers.
As a champion for the Malaysian Indian cause, he did make some difference. But some say he only stole the glory that belonged to his brother Uthaya and other Hindraf founders.
Anyway, that is history and nevertheless an important episode in the development of democracy as understood the world over, though it is treason and sedition as far as UMNO-BN's version goes.
But when he swallowed hook and worm and took to partnering with UMNO-BN at the 13th General Election, trust was betrayed. But the fighter that Waythamoorthy is, stood his grounds arguing that he could win the democracy-war from the inside.
He failed to recognize that “collective interest” is the sole and sanctified trading currency within UMNO-BN.
Waythamoorthy could have – like his now politically castrated brother under detention, stood the ground and championed his cause for the plight of the Malaysian Indians by putting his trust on the Opposition coalition. At least he would have known that they do not smash stink and sting pies on your face if you chose to differ from the “collective interest”.
Anyway, perhaps the proverbial “Once bitten, twice shy” wisdom may prod Waythamoorthy to re-think again. But then again, in Malaysian politics you never know how the coin will finally flip, yeah.
The incorrigible Umno clan
And now how about the Honorable Home Minister and the Honorable Defense Ministers? Do they not realize that they have just short-changed if not short-circuited the very political party they proclaim to protect irrespective of whether there is merit or suspicion in the policies and actions or inactions of the very party they deem they will defend at all cost?
First, when one of your newly anointed member has jumped the queue or made a seemingly derailing statement in public, why do you attack him through the public media? Have you forgotten the often repeated mantra from your political party’s big wigs that you should not “wash dirty linen in public” and that “there are proper channels to address concerns”?
Second, you speak of “collective interest” and have smashed stink and sting pies on one of your own collective team member. Is that not done out of “self-interest”?
Third, by delivering such attacks on our own team member who was baited and hooked by your own boss, you are actually trying to kill two birds with one stone – Waythamoorthy and Najib. Well at least that is how the court of public opinion will decipher our outbursts. Is this also “collective interest” then? Woe be thine if it is!
In any case, what about all those incidents when UMNO-BN leaders also did not hesitate to hide under the barricades of statements like, “that is his own opinion” and “it does not reflect the party’s stand” when some truth beyond doubt was coughed out by a member within the ‘collective’ team?
Lastly, let this sting and stinkepisode also be a warning to all those potential frogs hibernating under the canopy of the opposition block.
Vested interests: Umno meets its match in Waytha!
The UMNO-BN philosophy is glued to resonating cries of “Aye, aye Sir!”. The lessons are a plenty. “Tutup satu mata” and “saya mudah lupa” and the unresolved Altantuya slaying are some examples that tell you loud and clear that either you subscribe, leave or be prepared to be humiliated in public.
By the way since we are talking about ‘self-interest’ verses ‘collective interest’, how about that unforgettable incident when someone drew out a kris and held it high above him belting a threatening war cry in defense of a particular race-based political party at the party’s all important event?
It better be “self interest” and not “collective interest” otherwise UMNO BN would be guilty of practicing undemocratic treachery in a world that is fast being forced to embrace democratic governance.

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