
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Arab Saudi Jalin Hubungan "Luar Tabii' Dengan Israel, "Kedutaan kecil" Israel Di Buka Di Abu Dhabi, Israel jual senjata kpd Arab Saudi

1. 2015 UAE setuju pembukaan kedutaan kecil Israel 

Late last year the Israelis announced that they were opening a diplomatic office in the United Arab Emirates.  The story went around the world.

2.  Julai 2016 rombongan tentera dan keselamatan Arab Saudi mengunjungi Israel

Then in July of this year a military delegation (dressed in civilian clothes) from Saudi Arabia visited Israel.  

The Saudi delegation was headed by a retired Saudi Arabian general Anwar Eshki. Here is the news :

Former Saudi general visits Jerusalem, meets Israeli officials
Saudis want to open up to Israel
July 23, 2016   

General Anwar Eshki (center, in striped tie), Saudi delegation with Israeli Knesset members in Israel,  July 22, 2016 

Saudi delegation seeking to encourage discussion 

delegation met Foreign Ministry DG Dore Gold, Maj.-Gen. Yoav Mordechai 

Anwar Eshki travelled to Israel with approval from Saudi govt 

visit by top adviser to Saudi govt extremely rare,  highly unusual 

Saudis promised Israel diplomatic ties with 57 Arab/Muslim states 

  • Saudis want to open up to Israel 
  • It’s a strategic move for them
  • They want to get closer with Israel
  • "we could feel it clearly.."

Lebanon's Al-Mayadeen news said Saudi visit was 2nd of its kind

Earlier Egypt Foreign Minister Shoukry visited Netanyahu 
Channel 2 said Shoukry’s visit coordinated by Saudi Arabia
"clandestine talks" between Israel and Arabs 
Arabs see Jewish state as ally against Iran 
Netanyahu spoke of secret ties with Arab nations
Eshki said “Saudis and Israelis could work together.." 

My comments :  The Saudis are now depending on the Israelis to fight the Houthis and fend off Iran.   Here is one more news item :

3.   Saudi Defense Minister Prince Mohamed bin Salman meets Netanyahu ! !

Saudi Defense Minister Meets Israeli PM Netanyahu
bin Salman phone calls, meetings with Netanyahu
Palestinian newspaper al-Manar reported
phoned Netanyahu last Thurs, al-Manar reported on Sat
Bin Salman held meetings with Netanyahu twice, one of which in Eilat (Israel) 

The smartest guy in Saudi Arabia !!

al-Manar says bin Salman, Netanyahu discussed 
  • relations btwn Riyadh, Tel Aviv
  • situation in Syria, Lebanon
  • security coordination between the two 
  • Riyadh's purchase of weapons from Israel 
  • support for terrorist groups in Syria 
  • war against Yemen
bin Salman agreed to high-level Saudi-Israeli meeting in near future al Manar said

regional media revealed in July retired Saudi general traveled to Israel
growing link between Tel Aviv and Riyadh 
came to light in recent months.

Anwar Eshki met Dore Gold,  Yoav Mordechai and Knesset members. 

media in Israel called the visit "a highly unusual one" 
Eshki couldn't travel to Israel without approval from Saudi govt

in June 2015 Eshki and Gold held joint event in Washington
met several times privately over preceding year. 

Gold director general of Israeli foreign ministry.  

Israeli legislator Esawi Freige organized Eshki’s visit 
"The Saudis want to open up to Israel," he said.

"This is a strategic step for them. 
They want to get closer to Israel. 
This is clearly evident," Fregie noted.

My comments :  

1.   Riyadh's purchase of weapons from Israel 

The Israelis have plenty of US weapons. Saudis use US weapons. So it will not be any problem for Israel to resell American weapons to the Saudis. 

2.    security coordination between the two  

I think what this means is the Saudi Airforce will share their IFF codes (Identification Friend or Foe) with the Israelis. This will enable the Israeli Airforce to enter Saudi airspace safely.Israel and the Russian airforce came to a similar agreement over flight operations in Syria. With the IFF codes, there will not be 'accidental' shootdowns. 

The Israelis will also get more information from the Saudis over ISIS strengths and locations of ISIS commanders in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere. The Saudis are 100% behind the ISIS. Major ISIS commanders are from Saudi Arabia. 

3.   war against Yemen

I think the camels will lose more teeth here.  The best thing for the Israelis to do will be toadvise Saudi Arabia to end the war on Yemen, pay damages and concede to Yemen the three provinces of Asir, Jizan and Najran which the Saudis annexed from the Yemen anyway. Give them back their lands.

The Saudi Arabia - Israel security axis is developing very quickly and it will become very strong in the coming weeks and months. 

There will be more confidence building and trust between the Saudis and the Israelis. 

Soon the Gulf Cooperation Council (the UAE ie Abu Dhabi, Dubai then Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain and Oman) will start recognising Israel. This is bound to happen. 

The Israelis hold many cards. They can easily lead them to more war or they can lead them to trade and prosperity. 

Short term gains versus long term treasures?  

There is a major downside - all this to save the backsides of the corrupt Arab rulers.  Will their people agree?  

Because the Wahhabis in Saudi Arabia say this in their prayers at the mosque in Mecca, plus in Saudi Arabian kindergartens they still teach this to their kids :

I see more bloodshed in the Middle East. 

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