
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, October 23, 2016

More Analysis Of Bullshit Budget : "They have lost RM27 billion arbitration in London?"

Image result for Najib TN50

By our Editorial Consultant

"l am told they lost the arbitration in London. They borrowed from bank with govt gurantee to pay off."

My comments :  The figure was US$6.5B. At today's exchange rate it is RM27 billion. I smell another rat here.  

Its an arbitration. You dont have to accept the decision. An arbitration is not enforceable. Of course they can go to court to get an arbitration enforced - through a long drawn court process.  

Yes it is in very bad faith not to accept the arbitration but this is a case of theft. Thievery. This is NOT normal business transaction or a normal investment agreement that has gone wrong. This is theft.

Plus how do we know that this RM27 billion payable subsequent to this arbitration is not another 'backdoor' payment to the same crooks?

Meaning they could have set up this whole arbitration as a camouflage to siphon more money through 1MDB to IPIC or whatever and then get kickbacks through the back door.  

Here is another Budget analysis. This is taken from here :

Bajet BN tahun 2017 membebankan rakyat & ledakan hutang semakin membimbangkan !

1. Satu bajet defisit sebanyak RM43.15 bilion, ia satu rekod baru kerana sudah 20 tahun bajet defisit berturut-turut.

(OSTB : Budget is RM260b. Gomen revenue is RM220b. Shortfall is RM40b or 15% of Budget. Gomen has to borrow at least RM40b to cover shortfall.)

2. Defisit kali ini berjumlah 3.15% dari jumlah KDNK, ini menunjukkan kerajaan BN gagal menepati sasaran defisit kurang dari 3.1%.

3. Hutang negara terus meningkat. Jumlah kos bayar hutang negara meningkat dari RM26.5 bilion menjadi RM29.17 bilion. Dengan kata lain, 11.1% dari jumlah bajet digunapakai untuk bayar hutang & setiap bulan RM2.46 bilion terpaksa diguna utk membayar hutang.

(OSTB : Of RM260b Budget, about RM215b is for operating expenditures ie pay Civil Service salaries etc.  Loan servicing or paying bank interest alone is RM29b.  Only about RM46b is left over for Development Expenditure.)

4. Jumlah belanja tinggi tetapi Pembangunan amat kurang. Dari jumlah RM262.8 bilion bajet 2017, setinggi 81.7% (RM215 billion) utk belanja mengurus, hanya 18.3% saja (RM48 billion) untuk belanja membangun.

5. Hutang negara dan hutang jaminan kerajaan kini melebihi paras RM811 bilion, satu petanda yang bahaya & generasi muda akan dibebankan dengan hutang yg amat tinggi & membebankan.

6. Kerajaan akan memerah rakyat dengan kutipan cukai GST sebanyak RM40 bilion pada 2017. Jumlah ini pasti akan meningkatkan beban rakyat.

(OSTB : This year's GST collection was only RM30 billion. There will be serious shortfalls.)
7. Subsidi seperti subsidi minyak, diesel, gula, tepung, beras & minyak masak semua dihapuskan.

Ubah, selamatkan Malaysia!

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